Tags: rollyhuang/aseprite
Change window visibility only when owns display Before this the visibility was changed if the window pointed to a display without taking into account that it might not own it. Fix aseprite#4805
[lua] Disable 'beforesitechange' event (aseprite#4569, aseprite#4780, a… …seprite#4785)
Fix transparency issue with new color criterias (fix aseprite#4686) Prior to this fix, the following particular conditions caused an incorrect conversion of an opaque color to a transparent color during RGBA->Indexed conversion: - RGBA image with black color (#000000 a=255) painted on the canvas - The black color is absent from the palette. - The mask color is present in the palette - Converts the sprite to indexed color mode using Sprite > Color Mode > More Options - Select Advanced Options, select a Color Best Fit Criteria other than Default (for example CIELAB) and press OK - The original black color becomes the mask color.