Create an application for different operations with collections.
First screen: operations with array.
Generate an array of integers with 10_000_000 elements from 0 to 9_999_999 and display the execution time.
Operations to perform:
- insert at the beginning of an array 1000 elements (from 0 to 999 for example) one-by-one / at once;
- insert in the middle of an array 1000 elements one-by-one / at once;
- append to the end of an array 1000 elements one-by-one / at once;
- remove at the beginning 1000 elements one-by-one / at once;
- remove in the middle 1000 elements one-by-one / at once;
- remove at the end 1000 elements one-by-one / at once.
Display the execution time of each operation.
Add an activity indicator for each long-running operation.
Second screen: operations with set.
Add two text fields for user input and buttons for operations with sets.
Operations to perform:
- display all matching characters from text fields.
- display all characters that do not match in input fields.
- display all unique characters from the first text field that do not match in text fields.
Third screen: operations with a dictionary.
Generate an array with 10_000_000 elements of improvised contact structs. String name and String phone.
Generate a dictionary with 10_000_000 elements of improvised contacts. Name as a key and phone as a value.
Operations on both collections:
- find the first element (“Name0”);
- find the last element (“Name9999999”);
- search for a non-existing element;
Display the execution time of each operation.
Add an activity indicator for long-running operations.
Technology stack:
- Swift
- UIKit
- Auto Layout
- Storyboard
- Xib
- Collections
- XCTest