Application running various operations on Collections and Maps, calculate and display the average execution time of these operations (time in milliseconds).
Technology stack:
- Language - Java
- Architecture pattern - MVVM
- View Binding
- RxJava2 + RxAndroid
- Dagger2
- JUnit 4
- Espresso
- Mockito
3 Collections: ArrayList, LinkedList, CopyOnWriteArrayList.
Input: number of elements to compare.
Output: grid with [3 collections x 7 operations = 21 cells]. Operations to perform:
adding in the beginning;
adding in the middle;
adding in the end;
search by value;
removing in the beginning;
removing in the middle;
removing in the end.
2 Maps: TreeMap, HashMap.
Input: number of elements to compare.
Output: grid with 2 maps x 3 operations = 6 cells. Operations to perform:
adding new;
search by key;
Each cell of the table have a text field to display the result and progress bar. While calculation is in progress, the progressBar be shown in the table cell.
After the operation is completed, the result(average time of execution) shown in the appropriate cell.
The entire table is asynchronous, each operation is performed on a separate thread.