A simple WebRTC + Firebase Realtime Database JS library for multi-user video chat.
WARNING: This library is experimental, and not battle-tested. Bug reports and PRs welcome.
Install with npm:
npm install rtcfire
The only dependency is the Firebase JS SDK
(npm install firebase
), which is a peer dependency and not directly require
d by this library.
import { rtcFireSession } from 'rtcfire';
let session = rtcFireSession({
// list of user IDs, including your own!
// when the set of participants changes, call:
// session.participants = [user.uid, 'uid1'];
participants: [user.uid, 'uid1', 'uid2', ...],
// the current user's uid, probably from Firebase Auth
myId: user.uid,
// root path for WebRTC negotiation
// (don't forget to protect these behind security rules!)
// (call firebase.initializeApp(config) before calling this)
negotiationRef: firebase.database().ref('rtcnegotiations'),
// Set the local <video> stream
onMyStream: stream => myVideo.srcObject = stream,
// Set the <video> stream for the given participant
onParticipantStream: (pid, stream) => videos[pid].srcObject = stream,
Don't forget to write appropriate security rules for your Realtime Database! See example_rtdb_rules.rules for an example that uses the default negotiationRef
Apache 2.0 (see LICENSE)