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Terraform Multi-AZ Web Application Deployment Module for AWS

This terraform module deploys applications with an ALB, VPN, ECS Fargate Cluster, and an Aurora Cluster in multiple Availability Zones (AZs) on AWS.

DISCLAIMER: This module is for presentation purposes only and does not rely on any external terraform modules. It's not full-featured (e.g. HTTP only), and should not be used for production deployments.


This module consists of the following parts:

  • Application Load Balancer (ALB) for load balancing
  • VPN for secure access to private resources
  • ECS Fargate Cluster for running Docker containers
  • Aurora Cluster for relational database storage
  • Supports deployment in multiple availability zones


Architecture Diagram


Review the ghost blog example to see how to use this module.


resource random_string database_password {
  length  = 41
  special = false

module "multi_az_blog" {
  source = "git::"

  name        = "blog"
  environment = "prod"
  region      = "us-east-1"

  network = {
    cidr_block           = ""
    availability_zones   = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
    public_subnet_cidrs  = ["", "", ""]
    private_subnet_cidrs = ["", "", ""]

  container = {
    port               = 2368
    image              = "ghost:latest"
    env_vars           = {
      NODE_ENV                   = "production"
      database__client           = "mysql"
      database__connection__host = "__DB_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT__"
      database__connection__user = "__DB_USERNAME__"
      database__connection__password = "__DB_PASSWORD__"
      database__connection__database = "__DB_NAME__"
    cpu                = 512
    memory             = 1024
    count              = 3
    volume_root        = "/"
    mount_paths        = [ "/var/lib/ghost/content" ]
    health_check_path  = "/ghost/api/admin/site/"

  database = {
    engine                  = "mysql"
    version                 = "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.03.0"
    instance                = "db.t4g.medium"
    port                    = 3306
    backup_retention_period = 7
    skip_final_snapshot     = true
    username                = "root"
    password                = random_string.database_password.result

  vpn = {
    enabled               = true
    cidr_block            = ""
    server_private_key    = file("./vpn-certs/server.key")
    server_certificate    = file("./vpn-certs/server.crt")
    client_private_key    = file("./vpn-certs/client.key")
    client_certificate    = file("./vpn-certs/client.crt")
    certificate_authority = file("./vpn-certs/ca.crt")


Name Version
terraform >= 1.4.4
aws >= 4.62


Name Version
aws >= 4.62


Name Parameter Description Type
name Module name string
environment Environment (dev, prod..) string
region Deployment region string
network VPC network configuration object
cidr_block VPC IPv4 CIDR block network
availability_zones List of availability zones list(string)
public_subnet_cidrs Public subnet IPv4 CIDR block per AZ list(string)
private_subnet_cidrs Private subnet IPv4 CIDR block per AZ list(string)
container ECS Fargate configuration object
port Container port number number
image Docker image string
env_vars List of environment Variables map(string)
secrets List of SSM paramaters map(string)
cpu Task CPU allocation number
memory Task memory allocation number
count Number of desired tasks number
volume_root EFS volume root path string
mount_paths Container mapping paths map(string)
healt_check_path Container health check path string
database Database configuration object
username Database username string
password Databvase password string
engine Aurora RDS engine (mysql or postgres) string
port Database port (3306 for mysql) number
version Aurora RDS version string
instance Aurora RDS instance class string
backup_retention_period Database backup retention period in days number
skip_final_snapshot Indicates whether to skip the last snapshot before destruction bool
vpn Client VPN configuration object
enabled Indicates whether Client VPN service should be configured bool
cidr_block Client VPN IPv4 CIDR block string
server_private_key Server private key string
server_certificate Server certificate string
client_private_key Client private key string
client_certificate Client certificate string
certificate_authority Certificate authority string


Name Description
alb_dns_name ALB dns name
database_cluster_endpoint Aurora cluster endpoint
database_cluster_reader_endpoint Aurora cluster reader endpoint
database_endpoints List of all aurora instance endpoints
database_master_endpoint Aurora cluster master instance endpoint
database_read_replica_endpoints List of aurora cluster read replica endpoints
database_username Database username
database_name Auora cluster database name
volume_dns_name EFS volume dns name
volume_access_point_id EFS volume access point id
volume_mount_target_ips ECS volume mount target IPv4 adresses
vpn_id ID of Client VPN endpoint
vpn_arn ARN of Client VPN endpoint
vpn_dns_name Client VPN DNS name
ecs_cluster_name ECS fargate cluster name
ecs_service_name ECS fargate service name
ecs_container_name ECS fargate container name

Environment Variable Replacements

Certain placeholders are used to represent environment-specific values within environment variables. These placeholders will be replaced with the appropriate values during the deployment or runtime of the ECS Fargate tasks. Here is the list of placeholders:

Name Description
ALB_URL ALB HTTP URL (http://<alb_dns_name>)
DB_NAME Database name
DB_USERNAME Database username
DB_PASSWORD Database password
DB_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT Aurora cluster load-balanced endpoint
DB_MASTER_ENDPOINT Aurora master instance endpoint
DB_READER_ENDPOINT Aurora cluster load-balanced reader endpoint
DB_REPLICAS_ENDPOINT Comma separated database replica endpoints
DB_ENDPOINTS Comma separated list of database instance endpoints


The following items are areas of improvement and additional features that can be added to the module in the future:

  • Update the ALB listener to use the SSL certificate and configure HTTPS connections.
  • Implement auto-scaling for the ECS Fargate tasks to handle varying levels of traffic and ensure optimal resource utilization.
  • Evaluate and implement additional performance optimizations for the ECS tasks, such as caching strategies and content delivery networks (CDN).


This module is released under the MIT License.


Roman Novák
Roman Novák

Don't hesitate to open an issue or pull request if you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements. Your contributions are always welcome!


Terraform AWS Multi-AZ Application Deployment Module







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