Universal Editor for Structured Information
- The editor processes data necessry to develop LUT/GUT entities see: GUT requirements
- This implementation is a browser JavaScript based implementation that is decoupled from the UI framework via a interface generator.
- ReactJs, Next.js and Carbon-React are the initial platforms considered
- The implementation has a static application base implementeing the universal viewer and editor and can discover and dynamically load viewers and specialized editors for a given entity
- All possible entities can be creted, modified and inspected via a set of universal structured entity visulalisation and change UI components
- This editor aims to be for structured data what the text editors are for text editing in most OS-es
- In this context all data has structure (hance can be edited via this editor) and the only recognized unstructured informatino are:
- single point in the sky CBM reception data stream
- pure random data streams
- encrypted data streams where decryption is not available