- (2017-01-17): leave ERI@N, tidy up the readme markdown file
- (2016-12-15): competition in progress
- (2016-09-30): initialize the repository
this repository hosts all the files for robotx challenge 2016 it is a ROS based project
supports ros-indigo with ubuntu 14.04LTS
create pull request remote sync
useful commands:
git clone
, git fetch
, git remote -v
, git remote add upstream
git checkout xxx
, git fetch upstream
, git merge upstream/xxx
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/ron1818/Singaboat_RobotX2016
#### core modules ####
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-gazebo* \
ros-indigo-amcl ros-indigo-gmapping ros-indigo-move-base ros-indigo-map* \
ros-indigo-robot-localization ros-indigo-nmea-navsat-driver \
#### install python and opencv ####
sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-serial \
libopencv-dev python-opencv ros-indigo-vision-opencv
#### other ros modules ####
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-turtlebot-bringup \
ros-indigo-turtlebot-create-desktop ros-indigo-openni-* \
ros-indigo-openni2-* ros-indigo-freenect-* \
ros-indigo-laser-* ros-indigo-hokuyo-node \
ros-indigo-audio-common gstreamer0.10-pocketsphinx \
ros-indigo-pocketsphinx ros-indigo-slam-gmapping \
ros-indigo-joystick-drivers python-rosinstall \
ros-indigo-orocos-kdl ros-indigo-python-orocos-kdl \
python-setuptools ros-indigo-dynamixel-motor-* \
ros-indigo-depthimage-to-laserscan ros-indigo-arbotix-* \
ros-indigo-turtlebot-teleop ros-indigo-move-base \
ros-indigo-map-server ros-indigo-fake-localization ros-indigo-hector* \
ros-indigo-gazebo-ros* ros-indigo-serial
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-myahrs-driver
#### version control ####
sudo apt-get install git subversion mercurial
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/bosch-ros-pkg/usb_cam.git
git clone https://github.com/srv/viso2
git clone https://github.com/KristofRobot/razor_imu_9dof
git clone https://github.com/ron1818/nmea_navsat_driver
git clone https://github.com/ron1818/ROS-OSM-map-integration
cd ~/catkin_ws
rospack profile
sudo apt-get install v4l2ucp v4l-utils libv4l-dev
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv
cd opencv
git checkout 2.4
mkdir release
cd release
sudo make
sudo make install
- Documents: contain documentations for the work such as how to, scripts for VIM, etc.
- bringup: toplevel launch files to bringup the robot's topics and tf
- control: mainly
robot localization
for arduino to drive the thrusters - description: urdf for the
robot state publisher
and gazebo forgazebo
- gazebo: gazebo simulation files, incluiding launch, world, and test objects
- gui: for robotx competition tasks 4 and 5, report result to judge
- nav:
move base
related files, including toplevel behaviors - rviz:
configuration files - sensor: drivers for all sensors: GPS, IMU, camera, water speed sensor, wind sensor, lidar, etc.
- vision:
based scripts for image recognition - sketch: arduino source codes
- master: upto date codes
- pvc-dev: PVC prototype development, freezed by end of Jan 2017
- kayak-dev: kayak prototype development
- wamv-dev: competition development, freezed by end of Dec 2016
roslaunch robotx_gazebo pvc_empty_world.launch
# launch rviz
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find robotx_rviz`/rviz/move_base.rviz
for movebase behaviors, use wamv's code
# on the boat computer, raspberry pi
roslaunch robotx_bringup pvc_minimal.launch
roslaunch robotx_bringup pvc_move_base.launch mapname:=nanyanglake
# on the base computer
roslaunch robotx_bringup wamv_teleop.launch
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find robotx_rviz`/rviz/move_base.rviz
bring up fake wamv to do pure tf simulation in rviz:
roslaunch robotx_bringup fake_wamv.launch
# arbotix driver is to drive the fake model in rviz
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find robotx_rviz`/rviz/fake_move_base.rviz
bring up movebase to test the function
# run your behavior file, makesure *.py is executable< chmod +x *.py
rosrun robotx_nav move_base_loiter.py _radius:=5 _polygon:=6 _ccw:=true
rosrun robotx_nav move_base_forward.py
rosrun robotx_nav move_base_scout.py
rosrun robotx_nav move_base_zigzag.py
# OR
roslaunch robotx_nav loiter_behavior.launch isfake:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav constant_heading_behavior.launch isfake:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav scout_behavior.launch isfake:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav zigzag_behavior.launch isfake:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav reverse_behavior.launch isfake:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav rotation_behavior.launch isfake:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav station_keep_behavior.launch isfake:=true
test whether the model is correct:
# convert urdf.xacro to urdf
rosrun xacro xacro.py xxx.xacro > xxx.urdf
# open gazebo with an empty world
roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch
# spawn a model into the world, e.g. dock
rosrun gazebo_ros spawn_model -file `rospack find robotx_description`/urdf/dock.urdf \
-urdf -x 0 -y 0 -z 1 -model dock
with launch file
roslaunch robotx_gazebo robotx_test.launch test1:=true
# in total eight tests, to enable, set them to true, e.g. to use test5
roslaunch robotx_gazebo robotx_test.launch test5:=true
# or to have a blank map:
roslaunch robotx_gazebo robotx_test.launch
# launch rviz
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find robotx_rviz`/rviz/move_base.rviz
move base for control
# launch movebase, you can change the mapname by: hawaii or blank_map
roslaunch robotx_nav move_base_map.launch isgazebo:=true mapname:=pandan
# launch individual behavior, you can check one by one
roslaunch robotx_nav loiter_behavior.launch isgazebo:=true is_relative:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav constant_heading_behavior.launch isgazebo:=true is_relative:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav zigzag_behavior.launch isgazebo:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav reverse_behavior.launch isgazebo:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav rotation_behavior.launch isgazebo:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav station_keep_behavior.launch isgazebo:=true
# launch toplevel behavior
roslaunch robotx_nav test1_behavior.launch isgazebo:=true
# not run
# # check gps and imu
# roslaunch robotx_sensor gps_serial.launch
# rostopic echo /navsat/fix
# roslaunch robotx_sensor imu_razor_pub.launch
# roslaunch razor-imu-9dof razor-display.launch
# on the boat computer, intel NUC
roslaunch robotx_bringup wamv_minimal.launch
roslaunch robotx_bringup wamv_move_base.launch mapname:=blank_map
# on the base computer
roslaunch robotx_bringup wamv_teleop.launch
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find robotx_rviz`/rviz/move_base.rviz
# # optionally record bag
# rosbag record -a
movebase on the base computer
# launch individual behavior, you can check one by one
roslaunch robotx_nav loiter_behavior.launch iswamv:=true is_relative:=false
roslaunch robotx_nav constant_heading_behavior.launch iswamv:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav scout_behavior.launch iswamv:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav zigzag_behavior.launch iswamv:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav reverse_behavior.launch iswamv:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav rotation_behavior.launch iswamv:=true
roslaunch robotx_nav station_keep_behavior.launch iswamv:=true
# start roscore
# play back data, ignore tf and tfstatic
rosbag play xxx.bag tf:=fakeft tfstatic:=faketfstatic
# call robot localization
roslaunch robotx_control bag_r_l_control.launch
# view in rviz, specially configured
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find robotx_rviz`/rviz/bag.rviz
# optionally can view gps tracks on a OSM map
roslaunch robotx_sensor gps_osm_viewer.launch
# open a browser that target to: file:///home/xxx/catkin_ws/src/ROS-OSM-map-integration/index.html