ROS2-Nodes for ODrive
- Polls odrive velocity, motor_position, applied voltage, odrive temperature and applied torque
- Sets desired velocity
- Directly or from
- Directly or from
- Uses Checksum when communicating with ODrive
- Use wheel dist, gear ratio and wheel circumference
- Odrive init/calibration node
- Shares transformations and messages required by the Nav2 stack
- Launch file
ros2 launch odrive_odom
- node polls one value every 10ms
- request priority sets priority in poll-list using modulo (0 -- 99)
- priority_bus_voltage = 1, priority_temperature = 2
- output:
- counter 0:
- (@10ms)bus_voltage
- counter 1:
- (@20ms)bus_voltage
- (@30ms)temperature
- counter 3:
- (@40ms)bus_voltage
- counter 4:
- (@50ms)bus_voltage
- (@60ms)temperature
- ...
- publishes:
- <std_msgs/Float32>"/odrive_bus_voltage"
- <std_msgs/Float32>"/odrive0_velocity"
- <std_msgs/Float32>"/odrive0_position"
- <std_msgs/Float32>"/odrive0_temperature"
- <std_msgs/Float32>"/odrive0_torque"
- <std_msgs/Float32>"/odrive1_velocity"
- <std_msgs/Float32>"/odrive1_position"
- <std_msgs/Float32>"/odrive1_temperature"
- <std_msgs/Float32>"/odrive1_torque"
- <geometry_msgs/TwistStamped>"/odrive_odom_velocity"
- set priority to 0 to disable topic
listens to:
- <std_msgs/Float32>"/odrive0_set_velocity"
- <std_msgs/Float32>"/odrive1_set_velocity"
- <geometry_msgs/Twist>"/odrive_cmd_velocity"
- ros2 run odrive_node odrive_node
- set motor variable to 0 (default), 1, or 2 to set both to active
- set priority from 0 to 99
- set
[meters] - set
[meters/rad] =gear ratio * wheel circumference
- (set to defaults)
- ros2 run odrive_node odrive_node --ros-args --remap __ns:=/ -p port:='/dev/ttyS1' -p motor:=0 -p priority_position_velocity:=1 -p priority_bus_voltage:=2 -p priority_temperature:=3 -p priority_torque:=4
- rclcpp
- std_msgs
- geometry_msgs
- Initialize Odrive
ros2 run odrive_odom init
- Publish encoder odometry
ros2 run odrive_odom odom