a Node Red flow to interact with Heishamon (a panasonic heatpump through an ESP board)
A simple syslog component for esphome
Modified klipper for ender3-v3 se with stock display support.
Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
ebusd-configuration for the Brink Renovent Excellent 300
Firmware for ESP32-C3 allowing eBUS communication for ebusd (
Smart Irrigation custom component for Home Assistant
Variante von HeishaMon optimiert für Kaskadenbetrieb der Panasonic Aquarea Wärmepumpen
Panasonic Aquarea air-water H, J, K and L series protocol decrypt
local handling for Tuya devices
Software defined receiver for wireless M-Bus with RTL-SDR
Read the wired or wireless mbus protocol to acquire utility meter readings.
ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
Rockchip Beta Kit Kat sources for RK3188
CyanogenMod driver and wrapper implementations
Motorola Milestone 2 CM7
Android base frameworks (cyanogenmod)
OMAP components for older devices
OMAP components for older devices
Special version for Motorola Defy CM7 (not uninstallable)
Android base frameworks (cyanogenmod)
CyanogenMod Android vendor tree