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A Plugin for managing external companies and contacts in Redmine.
You can manage companies on a global level (by configuring a root project) or per-project
A Company can be assigned to different (or none) projects
The CRM module in projects manages all companies belonging to this project
Companies can be tagged in order to organize them
Contacts belong to companies, a company can have different contacts (i.e. for different departments)
You can define CRM-Actions (advertisement, customer aquisition or similar) for multiple companies
Files can be attached to contacts and CRM-Actions (you must configure a root_project for attachments)
Companies, CRM-Actions and Contacts are commentable
The top panel contains a menu item “CRM” for global management (root project)
The project panel contains a menu item “CRM” (if the module is active) for managing Companies assigned to this project
Clone git repository into *<path/to/redmine>/plugins/redmine_crm*
bundle install
rake redmine:plugins:migrate
Restart Redmine (maybe not required)
Go to Administration -> plugins and configure the plugin
redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_crm VERSION=0
Delete plugin folder *<path/to/redmine>/plugins/redmine_crm*
CRM-Actions implemented
CSV-Import/Export (attachments get exported seperately with folder structure)
Root project is now responsible for “global” management of companies
Multiple branches can be set per company
Patch for projects fixed
First usable version
Basic management of companies and contacts
Related to projects
This is my first redmine plugin in development, so expect some bugs. There are no tests (yet) and the structure is anything but solid (learning by doing).
Reorganize code, refactoring
Improve (maybe change) relations for companies and projects
Connect contacts to tickets
Reports for contacts / clients