WeChat, Tencent Inc.
- https://yuanfulu.github.io/
A curated list of resources on cold-start recommendations.
embedx 是基于 c++ 开发的、完全自研的分布式 embedding 训练和推理框架。它目前支持 图模型、深度排序、召回模型和图与排序、图与召回的联合训练模型等
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A curated list of awesome self-supervised methods
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Codes and datasets for AAAI-2021 paper "Learning to Pre-train Graph Neural Networks"
Source code for KDD 2020 paper "Meta-learning on Heterogeneous Information Networks for Cold-start Recommendation"
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Source code for AAAI 2019 paper "Relation Structure-Aware Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding"
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WanderCat-Sharding is a smart but not simple distributed database middleware
Official MXNet code for 'Collaborative Deep Learning for Recommender Systems' - SIGKDD
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