Docker Service
graph TB
id((Start)) --> API
The application has three components:
- IN/OUT data over HTTP
- Restiful architecture, all verbs (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE)
- Database load and restore
- Validation of data traffic
- Write on DB the scheduled jobs
- Business rules (Create, Restore, Update and Delete Schedule)
- Keep stateful data (CRUD)
- Glue between API and Worker
- Searching for jobs and run all then (Every 10 seconds)
- Update output (stdout, stderr, exit_code) of the jobs to database
- Language: Clojure
- Just need to learn a new language
- I never used this language before and I just accept the challenge
- I never used Functional Languages before
- Worker and API:
- Separating it is possíble to scale better horizontally (I have to improve update before, but is easy)
- The load of both is very different
- The solution is based on docker, I can put one worker in N machines to do the "jobs" without API overhead (API after up consommes ~450M and the worker just ~70M)
- If the API is down for N reasons the jobs will run
- metosin/compojure-api
- com.novemberain/monger
- clj-time
Special thanks for everyone
- docker >= 17.05 Multi Stage Build
- docker-compose
- it consumes ~1G RAM
build the project
docker-compose build
- run the project
docker-compose up -d
the runner mounts the /tmp/ajb and put temporally files there. Is not possible to run this project in docker dind
# root of project
# api itens
cd api
lein test # test only
lein cloverage # test and coverage
lein eastwood # linter a lot of bugs on compojure
lein kibit # sast
lein codox # generate static docs
cd ../worker
cd api
lein test # test only
lein cloverage # test and coverage
lein eastwood # linter a lot of bugs on compojure
lein kibit # sast
lein codox # generate static docs
for tests work, needs a mongo db listening and working
Check the api and worker docs
- I can't finished the validation of endpoints (exists, but is too simple) Schema.core is very different.
- I don't test it with N workers (possibles side effects, run the same jobs twice or N times).
- In schedule time I wanted to use linux cron schema (re-run jobs and others), but the item 1. responds it.
- The health check isn't a very checkable.