I can't call it Scrabble. It's not Scrabble. That's someone else's game.
This is a Scrabble-like word game for 2 players that you can play in your browser.
This game has no server. No log in. No user accounts. Just open the page and play!
When you have played your turn there will be a link to share with your opponent, normally using your preferred chat app.
This link contains all the information about the current game, so it can get quite long. But that's not a problem.
If you're a nerd and want to know how this works, there's a full write-up on my blog.
This is a simple Scabble implementation. It's not perfect or finished yet. Known limitations include:
- No checking for valid words
- No drag-and-drop of tiles
This game was built with HTML, TailwindCSS and AlpineJS, using my small-site-template.
Read about this in my blog post.