ambientweather-local-server Public
Forked from philosowaffle/ambientweather-local-serverA server for receiving metrics from your local Ambient Weather console and exposing them as Prometheus Metrics
C# GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 8, 2023 -
phoenixpilot Public
Forked from commaai/openpilotReborn from the ashes. L2 Autonomous for Ford.
fordpass Public
Forked from p4lsec/fordpassPython3 script to interact with and retrieve data about your FordPass enabled vehicle
Python UpdatedJan 21, 2021 -
VBFlasher Public
Forked from daftracing/VBFlasherOpen Source VBF edit and flash tool
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 26, 2020 -
FTools Public
Forked from bigunclemax/FToolsTools for unpacking\repacking ford IPC firmware which contain pictures resources.
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 15, 2020 -
opendbc Public
Forked from commaai/opendbcdemocratize access to car decoder rings
panda Public
Forked from commaai/pandacode powering the comma.ai panda
C MIT License UpdatedOct 24, 2020 -
cereal Public
Forked from commaai/msgqcapnp struct definitions and messaging used in comma ecosystem
C++ UpdatedOct 21, 2020 -
cabana Public
Forked from dkiiv/cabanaCAN visualizer and DBC maker
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 9, 2020 -
Simulink-Model-Generation-Tool Public
Forked from wei07283091/Simulink-Model-Generation-Tool -
opParams Public
Forked from sshane/opParamsA parameter manager for openpilot supporting live updating and a tuning interface
Python UpdatedAug 21, 2020 -
openxc-python Public
Forked from openxc/openxc-pythonOpenXC Python library
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJul 23, 2020 -
my-comma-auth Public
Forked from dkiiv/my-comma-authshared auth utils for my.comma.ai apps (explorer, cabana)
JavaScript UpdatedJul 17, 2020 -
cantools Public
Forked from cantools/cantoolsCAN bus tools.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2020 -
can-shell Public
Forked from gregjhogan/can-shellcommand processor for automotive ECUs with a built-in text-based CAN bus terminal (using a panda)
openpilot-apks Public
Forked from commaai/openpilot-apksThe source code for the APKs that run inside openpilot.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 20, 2020 -
laika Public
Forked from commaai/laikaSimple Python GNSS processing library
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 12, 2020 -
dbcview Public
Forked from driftregion/dbcviewQuickly visualize senders and receivers in a DBC
Python UpdatedJun 14, 2019