pico-w-ble-midi-lib Public
A MIDI 1.0 Bluetooth LE GATT service server
midi2piousbhub Public
Use a Raspberry Pi Pico/RP2040 to connect a MIDI USB Host, a serial port MIDI, Bluetooth MIDI and 0-4 USB MIDI devices on a USB hub
ble-midi2usbhost Public
A Pico W Bluetooth LE MIDI adapter for any class compliant USB MIDI device
littlefs-lib Public
Forked from lurk101/littlefs-libAdd support for running littlefs on RP2040 core 0 whilst core 1 is also active doing something else
C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 27, 2024 -
rp2040-mcp4728-lib Public
RP2040 driver library for the MCP4728 4-channel I2C DAC with example code
rppicomidi.github.io Public
How to find my MIDI projects and related software libraries
midi_uart_lib Public
Library for using Raspberry Pi Pico UART1 or both UART0 and UART1 for serial port MIDI
usb_midi_host Public
An application level TinyUSB USB MIDI Host driver for the RP2040
midi2usbhub Public
Use a Raspberry Pi Pico to interconnect MIDI devices via a USB hub or old school MIDI
tinyusb Public
Forked from hathach/tinyusbAn open source cross-platform USB stack for embedded system
pico-usb-midi-filter Public
Connect a Raspberry Pi Pico between a USB MIDI device and a USB Host to modify the USB MIDI traffic
pico-usb-midi-processor Public
Use a Raspberry Pi Pico board to process USB MIDI data between a USB MIDI Keyboard or other device and a PC or other USB MIDI Host
pico-mono-ui-lib Public
A simple monochrome UI library for a small mono screen and the Raspberry Pi Pico
midi2usbhost Public
Make a Raspberry Pi Pico a USB Host to bridge modern USB MIDI to old school MIDI IN and MIDI OUT
Raspberry Pi Pico SSD1306 graphics library that can manage multiple displays at the same time
How to use open source tools to help debug Raspberry Pi Pico USB Host and USB Device Issues
midi2usbhub-web Public
A Pico W interconnects USB MIDI devices and 2 old school MIDI ports with web browser routing control
Add the Arduino MIDI Library API to the usb_midi_host TinyUSB MIDI Host driver
ring_buffer_lib Public
Ring buffer library targeted at the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK; IRQ and multi-core safe
cdc_stdio_lib Public
Library allows a pico-sdk application that uses TinyUSB to add USB CDC stdio support
midi-multistream2usbdev Public
2-in, 6-out 5 pin DIN MIDI to USB MIDI converter for the Raspberry Pi Pico
pio_midi_uart_lib Public
Library adds up to 4 PIO-based UARTs configured for MIDI to a Rasberry Pi Pico
midi2usbdev Public
Make a computer USB to old school 5-pin DIN MIDI interface from a Raspberry Pi Pico
usb_midi_dev_ac_optional Public
A TinyUSB application USB MIDI Device driver that permits no AUDIO CONTROL in the descriptor
pico-w-ble-midi-server-demo Public
A Bluetooth LE MIDI 1.0 server peripheral demo for the Raspberry Pi Pico W
pico-usb-host-msc-demo Public
A CLI-driven demo of a Raspberry Pi Pico operating as a USB Mass Storage Class Host
pico-mc-display-bridge Public
Raspberry Pi Pico adds per channel and global display to any Mackie Control compatible MIDI controller
pico_pico_midi_lib Public
A C++ library for sending MIDI messages between two RP2040 devices via UART
Pico-PIO-USB Public
Forked from sekigon-gonnoc/Pico-PIO-USBUSB host/device implementation using PIO of raspberry pi pico (RP2040).
C MIT License UpdatedApr 7, 2023 -
Run LwIP webserver on a Pico W using a C++ Pico_w_connection_manager class and command line interface to manage connection to the AP