This is a simple jobs app written in ruby
It is a work in progress. Hack it up all you want.
Tools used:
- ruby
- sinatra
- twitter bootstrap
- font awesome
- datamapper
- heroku
- postgresql
- haml
Key gems:
- sinatra-authentication used for user authentication
- clean up the user account views, add bootstrapping, etc
- make contact email field required on create new job function
- tie user model to jobs model with one > many relationship
- fix responsive layout elements
- add tagging structure with datamapper-tags
- add a geographic model (areas: i.e, city/state, zip, region) **maybe use tags for this?
- add a featured job banner in home.haml
- as a user, I'd like to share a job on facebook
- as a seeker, I'd like to browse jobs by tag
- as a company, I'd like to view a list of job I posted