This application is NOT secure.
This project has been canceled and will no longer be maintained. Sources will remain
on GIT hub for future Pike users to reference.
This project is headed in the same direction as as the python project named pysandbox.
The developer(s) of pysandbox were able to determine that it is virtually impossible to
create a sandbox environment within a programming language that has a large number of
features and independent developers. Some of the same techniques used to compromise
pysandbox can also be used to compromise PikeVM.
- Title: Pike Virtual Machine
- Version: 1.1 (Alpha)
- Author: Ralph Ritoch [email protected]
- Company: VNetPublishing -
- Content-type: text/plain
- Source:
- Copyright: Ralph Ritoch 2009 - 2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
- Licence:
The pike VirtualMachine is a pike language Sandbox environment. Much of the core functionality of the master object has been moved into a kernel object which makes it possible to modify core functionality without needing to restart the machine. The system has also been designed to make it possible to protect all core functionality from applications running in the virtual machine. With modifications to the kernel and security system system operators should be able to restrict access and override all core functions and objects.
To get started you will first need to install and configure the machine.
Requires Pike version 7.8 or above which can be downloaded from
- Download and extract pike virtual machine to your preferred location
- Copy example configuration file in root\boot\system-1.1\kernel.conf.example to root\boot\system-1.1\kernel.conf
- Edit the kernel configuration file to match your preferences
- The machine was configured by default for Windows 7, 64 bit. Command line arguments can be used to match your platform.
The following environment settings are evaluated by PikeVM to locate Pike
- PIKE_INCLUDE_PATH - Path to pike distribution includes, can also be set in command line argument -I
- PIKE_MODULE_PATH - Path to pike distribution includes modules, can also be set in command line argument -M
- PIKE_PROGRAM_PATH - Default search path for pike files, can also be set in command line argument -P
Starting the Machine:
If you are on windows you can start the virtual machine using the batch file located at "root\boot\start.bat" or on linux a shell script is located at "root\boot\". These scripts may need to be edited to match your platform, otherwise it can be started using the following command.
pike -m <path_to_master> <path_to_system> [-I <pike_includes>] [-M <pike_modules>]
Example: If Sources are installed in /opt/PikeVM
pike -m /opt/PikeVM/root/boot/master-1.1.pike /opt/PikeVM/root/boot/system-1.1 -I "C:\Program Files\Pike\lib\include" -M C:\Program Files\Pike\lib\modules
Note: At the login prompt enter any username and follow the prompts for a user account to be created. Raw pike commands can be entered at the command line using the at "@" prefix.
Ex. @ write("Hello World!")
- System V style init scripts
- POSIX virtualization
- Console shell
- Web Server
- FTP Server
- Telnet Server
This project is maintained at . If you are interested in contributing to this project please email [email protected].