OpenSpades is a compatible client of Ace Of Spades 0.75.
- Can connect to a vanilla/pyspades/PySnip/piqueserver/SpadeX server.
- Uses OpenGL/AL for better experience.
- Open source, and cross platform.
ZeroSpades is just OpenSpades with some extra features and other improvements/fixes.
Some of the most important changes are:
- In-Game HitTest Debugger(ty BR <3).
- Extended block color palette(ty Liza&Vier <3).
- Improved firstperson weapon animations(ty ptrooper <3).
- First-Person playermodels(torso&legs).
- Classic firstperson viewmodel.
- More thirdperson animations.
- Different Playermodels depending on weapon class.
- Classic randomized dirt color.
- Dead player corpse physics.
- FallingBlocks physics.
- Client-Side hit analyzer.
- Players names while on spectator mode.
- Damage dealt to players are now shown as floating text.
- Player stats such as kill/death ratio and kill streak.
--And a lot of other things that i forgot to mention here.
See the OpenSpades Building&Installing Guide
For troubleshooting and common problems see TROUBLESHOOTING.
Please see the file named LICENSE.
Note that other assets including sounds and models are not open source.