Here's what my setup looks like.
A dotfiles repository is a way to manage all your environment configuration in github, to be able to replicate it easily on any other computer, in my case OSx (Linux is possible too). It basically works by defining a series of files with the extension .symlink
, they can be defined in different sub-directories, that an install shell copies to the user root directory as hidden dot (.) files. For example, the vim editor configuration can be review in /vim/vimrc.symlink
I also use TMUX, tmux is an open-source terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems. It allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. You can review TMUX configuration in tmux/tmux.conf.symlink
Current configurations in this dotfiles:
- git
- vim
- lldb (c++ debugger)
- pdbrc (python debugger)
- tmux
- zsh
- vim
- iirc
In this configuration I'm also using a slight modified version of the agnoster theme of oh-my-zsh, it shows the last 2 segments of the path and a Bitcoin ₿. prompmt, the custom theme is: custom-themes-path/agnoster.zsh-theme
and has to be copied, after oh-my-zsh is installed, on the path ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes
Clone this repository (or your own fork!) to your home directory (/Users/username
) under a hidden .dotfiles
Then cd to the .dotfiles
directory and run the installer:
> git clone ~/.dotfiles
> cd ~/.dotfiles
> ./install
Start TMUX
On OS X Use iterm2 instead of Terminal:
Ubuntu Mono Derivative Powerline Font
- download the font archive, and unzip it. Go to fonts-master/UbuntuMono/ and install each of the four TTFs: simply double-click and let Font Book install them for you.
- Open iTerm, then navigate to Terminal Preferences > Profiles > Font and click the Change button.
- Select Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline and set the font size you want.
- Close preferences, and quit iTerm.
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-hack-nerd-font
** Note: Change font in i-Term to Hack Nerdfont
$ git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
$ git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
brew install gpg2
export public and private key:
> pgp --export -a -o RSN_Key.ask <key_id>
> gpg --export-secret-keys --armor [email protected]
> gpg --import ~/.ssh/RSN_key.asc
> brew install Tmux
> brew install nvm
> nvm install node
> nvm install <version> # I used 18
This are several tools that make the development workflow more agile, I strongly recommend to install them and learn how to use them.
A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output
Installation and configuration manual
> brew install git-delta
<<<<<<< HEAD
fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder. It's an interactive Unix filter for command-line that can be used with any list; files, command history, processes, hostnames, bookmarks, git commits, etc. It can also be used with vim using a plugin.
> brew install fzf
# To install useful key bindings and fuzzy completion:
> (brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install
jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
> brew install jq
bat supports syntax highlighting for a large number of programming and markup languages:
Bear is a tool that generates a compilation database for clang tooling.
The JSON compilation database is used in the clang project to provide information on how a single compilation unit is processed. Thid compilation database is used by vim plugin Conquer of completion to make suggestions, intellisense like while editing the c++ code.
tree is a recursive directory listing command that produces a depth indented listing of files.
> brew install tree
Reverse a byte hex string: bhex
- Practical Vim Book, great to learn!
Did you have trouble installing this? Could I make the documentation better? Let me know @Bitcoin_1o1. Or please fork & create a pull request with your suggestions.