- Rio de Janeiro
Firebase Push Notifications in Laravel ( Php )
O Diciotech é um dicionário tech online colaborativo, construído com HTML, SASS e JavaScript, e open source. Nossa missão é ajudar pessoas de todos os níveis a entenderem termos e conceitos relacio…
Conceitos de Código Limpo adaptados em JavaScript (Tradução PT-BR)
Links úteis e recursos essenciais para desenvolvedores frontend.
The _tw generator creates a WordPress starter theme optimized for modern development with Tailwind CSS, Tailwind Typography and the WordPress editor.
🚀 Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI.
Repositório do lab "Contribuindo em um Projeto Open Source no GitHub" da Digital Innovation One.
🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
📚 Biblioteca de livros essenciais da área da programação. (Confira o meu novo projeto `SendScriptWhatsapp`)
Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme …
✍Building an Inventory Management System with Laravel 10.
NestJs v10.x Boilerplate. Repository Design Pattern. MongoDB (Mongoose). Containerization.
⭐ Star Rating Component is a standalone Web Component made with ❤️ and built 🛠 with Stencil (a framework-agnostic web component that works in Ionic, Angular, React, Vue, Remix, Vanilla javascript,.…
A production-ready NextJS & NestJS GraphQL starter pack
Contribute good UI site made with only HTML & CSS as a challenge.
Responsive photo gallery component for React
sidebar using react js tailwind css
A fullstack template for a NextJs App
Responsive Side-Navbar in Next.js using Tailwindcss for YT
List your favorite GitHub repositories and see it's information and issues.
Visualize your startup community on a custom Google map. Based on the code for http://represent.la