Exercises from Benjamin Pierce's "Types and Programming Languages" textbook + extras!
A language server for the Django web framework
A cron job that will back up databases running in a docker postgres container
Cloudstate is a JavaScript database runtime.
A special kind of ModelAdmin that allows it to be nested within another ModelAdmin
Easily add custom views to the Django admin.
Packj stops ⚡ Solarwinds-, ESLint-, and PyTorch-like attacks by flagging malicious/vulnerable open-source dependencies ("weak links") in your software supply-chain
⚡ A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI
Language-agnostic persistent background job server
A toolkit with common assertions and mocks that plays nicely with the standard library
Handy little tools to that turn boring text box inputs into wonderful things.
A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System.
Concurrent routines for Ruby, without threads or fibers.
Render a Rack app (Rails/Sinatra/etc) to a static build so it can be served by Netlify, Now, GitHub Pages, S3, or any other web server.
Make your long-running sidekiq jobs interruptible and resumable.
Run shell commands safely, even with user-supplied values
The database client every command line junkie deserves.
🦄 Monads and popular FP abstractions, powered by Go 1.18+ Generics (Option, Result, Either...)
Generic PriorityQueues, Queues, Stacks, and Deque data structures for Go
a minimalist beautiful Go print (fmt alternative)