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Getting Started

The following will describe how to install and configure the DigitalOcean block store plugin for Ark and provide a usage example.



This quickstart will describe the installation and configuration of the DigitalOcean block store plugin for Ark as well as the built-in object store using DigitalOcean Spaces. Please review the Block store and Object store sections further down in the README for more details on each component.

  1. Complete the Heptio Ark prerequisites mentioned above. This generally involves applying the 00-prereqs.yaml available from the Ark repository:

    kubectl apply -f examples/00-prereqs.yaml
  2. Update the examples/credentials-ark with your Spaces access and secret keys. The file will look like the following:

  3. Create a Kubernetes cloud-credentials secret containing the credentials-ark and DigitalOcean API token.

    kubectl create secret generic cloud-credentials \
        --namespace heptio-ark \
        --from-file cloud=examples/credentials-ark \
        --from-literal digitalocean_token=<DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN>
  4. Update the examples/05-ark-backupstoragelocation.yaml with the DigitalOcean Spaces API URL, bucket, and region and apply the BackupStorageLocation configuration. The BackupStorageLocation uses the AWS S3-compatible provider to communicate with DigitalOcean Spaces.

    kubectl apply -f examples/05-ark-backupstoragelocation.yaml
  5. Next apply the VolumeSnapshotLocation configuration. No updates are required to the YAML.

    kubectl apply -f examples/06-ark-volumesnapshotlocation.yaml
  6. Now apply the Ark deployment.

    kubectl apply -f examples/10-deployment.yaml
  7. Finally add the ark-blockstore-digitalocean plugin to Ark.

    ark plugin add

Block store

The block store provider manages snapshots for DigitalOcean persistent volumes.

  1. The block store provider requires a personal access token to create and restore snapshots through the DigitalOcean API. This token can be generated through the DigitalOcean Control Panel as describe here.

  2. Once the token is available, create a Secret using the new token.

    kubectl create secret generic cloud-credentials \
        --namespace heptio-ark \
        --from-literal digitalocean_token=<DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN>
  3. Ark must be aware of the cloud provider to use with persistent volumes. This is done by adding the persistentVolumeProvider to the default Ark Config.

    kubectl -n heptio-ark edit config default

    A sample persistentVolumeProvider YAML Config section looks like the following:

      name: digitalocean
  4. Next the Deployment should be updated with the cloud-credentials Secret.

    kubectl -n heptio-ark edit deployment ark

    A full Deployment YAML example defining the Secret can be found in examples/20-deployment.yaml.

  5. Finally, add the ark-blockstore-digitalocean plugin to Ark.

    ark plugin add

Object store

The object store uses DigitalOcean Spaces to store the backup files. As Spaces is an S3-compatible object storage solution, the object store will use the Ark built-in aws provider.

  1. First generate the Spaces access key and secret key in the DigitalOcean Control Panel as described here.

  2. A Spaces bucket must also be created through the DigitalOcean Control Panel before proceeding with Ark configuration. Make note of the bucket name and region as these will be required later.

  3. Once the access and secret keys are available, create an S3-compatible credentials-ark file with the new keys.

  4. The credentials-ark file must then be added to the cloud-credentinals Secret:

    kubectl create secret generic cloud-credentials \
        --namespace heptio-ark \
        --from-file cloud=./credentials-ark
  5. Now add the Ark backupStorageProvider to the Ark default Config.

    kubectl -n heptio-ark edit config default

    Below is a sample backupStorageProvider YAML Config section. Be sure to change the bucket and region placeholder values accordingly.

      name: aws
      bucket: <YOUR_BUCKET>
        region: <REGION>
        s3ForcePathStyle: "true"
        s3Url: https://<REGION>
  6. Finally, the Deployment can be updated with the cloud-credentials Secret.

    kubectl -n heptio-ark edit deployment ark

    A full Deployment YAML example can be found in examples/20-deployment.yaml.

Backup and restore example

  1. Apply the Nginx examples/nginx-pv.yml config that uses persistent storage for the log path.

    kubectl apply -f examples/nginx-pv.yml
  2. Once Nginx deployment is running and available, create a backup using Ark.

    ark backup create nginx-backup --selector app=nginx
    ark backup describe nginx-backup
  3. The config files should appear in the Spaces bucket and a snapshot taken of the persistent volume. Now you can simulate a disaster by deleting the nginx-example namespace.

    kubectl delete namespace nginx-example
  4. The nginx-data backup can now be restored.

    ark restore create --from-backup nginx-backup

Build image

make clean
make container


DigitalOcean plugin for Ark



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