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Ansible playbook for Trento Project components


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Trento Ansible

This playbook aims to install Trento components and the belonging third parties.

NOTE: The playbook currently only supports the following SLES4SAP releases:

  • 15 SP31
  • 15 SP4
  • 15 SP5


The third parties are installed using zypper packages and configured with dedicated roles. The web and wanda components can be installed using either docker or zypper. The playbook checks the install_method variable (either docker or rpm) to determine which to method to use.

The agent is installed from the configured obs repository using zypper.

The nginx configuration acts as a reverse proxy for all the components.


This playbook requires that the host where you are going to install trento-server has an activated license for one of the supported OSs, with the following modules (Change x to match your current version):

  • Basesystem Module 15 x86_64 - SUSEConnect -p sle-module-basesystem/15.x/x86_64
  • SUSE Package Hub 15 x86_64 - SUSEConnect -p PackageHub/15.x/x86_64
  • (Optional: for docker installation method) Containers Module 15 x86_64 - SUSEConnect -p sle-module-containers/15.x/x86_64


1. Clone the repository

git clone

2. Prepare your inventory file

Get to the ansible directory: cd ansible

Make sure all hosts with active roles allow access from the machine that is executing the playbook:

ssh-copy-id [email protected]

Create an inventory.yml file, defining the IP address of the machine where each role will be deployed to. You might use the same machine for more than one role. Use ; to comment out any role that you might not want to cover.


[trento-server] ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa

[postgres-hosts] ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa

[rabbitmq-hosts] ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa

[prometheus-hosts] ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa

; [agents]
; ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa

Alternatively, you can use yaml syntax for this. In the following example we use a user/password instead of an SSH key:

          ansible_host: "your-host"
          ansible_user: "your-user"
          ansible_host: "your-host"
          ansible_user: "your-user"
          ansible_host: "your-host"
          ansible_user: "your-user"
          ansible_host: "your-host"
          ansible_user: "your-user"

3. Setup playbook variables

Create a vars.json file, following the example below:

  "provision_prometheus": "true",
  "provision_proxy": "false",
  "web_postgres_password": "postgres",
  "wanda_postgres_password": "postgres",
  "rabbitmq_password": "guest",
  "web_admin_password": "adminpassword",
  "trento_server_name": "",
  "nginx_vhost_filename": "",
  "nginx_ssl_cert": "<paste your SSL certificate here in base64>",
  "nginx_ssl_key": "<paste your SSL certificate key here in base64>"

4. Run the playbook

Prior to running the playbook, tell ansible to fetch the required modules:

ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml

Run the playbook:

ansible-playbook -i path/to/inventory.yml --extra-vars "@path/to/vars.json" playbook.yml

For a fully functional deployment be sure to use either an external IP or an internal IP for rabbitmq_host based on the infra network configuration.

Additionally, retrieving the actual api-key from the server is not supported yet, so use "enable_api_key": "false" in extra vars as any value in trento_api_key would be ineffective.

Both trento-server and agent inventory and variables file can be combined to deploy both at the same ansible execution.

Having an inventory file called inventory.yml and a vars file called extra-vars.json, you could run the playbook

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml --extra-vars @extra-vars.json playbook.yml

This is just an example you can use all the options of ansible-playbook with your inventory and other methods of variables injection.

With docker container

You can use the docker image a, to run this playbook, the image contains the playbook files ready to be provisioned. The docker image assumes you mount an inventory file and an extra-vars file.

Mounting your ssh socket will enable you to access the remote machines like in your local environment.

Assuming you have in the current folder a file called inventory.yml and extra-vars.json

    docker run \
        -e "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent" \
        -v $(pwd)/inventory.yml:/playbook/inventory.yml \
        -v $(pwd)/extra-vars.json:/playbook/extra-vars.json \
        -v $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-agent \ /playbook/inventory.yml /playbook/extra-vars.json

Playbook variables

Required Variables to install trento-server

Name Description
web_postgres_password Password of the postgres user used in web project
wanda_postgres_password Password of the postgres user used in wanda project
rabbitmq_password Password of the rabbitmq user configured for the trento projects
prometheus_url Base url of prometheus database
web_admin_password Password of the admin user of the web application
trento_server_name Server name of the trento web application, used by nginx
nginx_ssl_cert String with the content of the .crt file to be used by nginx for https
nginx_ssl_key String with the content of the .key file used to generate the certificate

Required Variables to install trento agents

Name Description
trento_api_key API key to connect to the trento-server
rabbitmq_password Password of the rabbitmq user configured for the trento projects

Optional variables

These variables are the defaults of our roles, if you want to override the proper roles variables, feel free to inspect them in the playbook code, under the vars folder in each role.

We recommend to not change them unless you are sure of what are you doing in your setup.


Name Description Default
provision_postgres Provision postgres role, set to false if you provide an external postgres to the services "true"
provision_rabbitmq Provision rabbitmq role, set to false if you provide an external rabbitmq to the services "true"
provision_proxy Provision nginx to expose the services, set to false to use an existing reverse proxy deployment "true"
provision_prometheus Provision prometheus used by trento to store metrics send by agents "true"
docker_network_name Name of the docker network to be used by the deployment when using "docker" install_method trentonet
web_container_image Name of the Web container image to use to create the container
web_container_name Name of the Web container trento_web
web_listen_port Port where the Web service is exposed 4000
wanda_container_image Name of the Wanda container image to use to create the container
wanda_container_name Name of the Wanda container trento_wanda
wanda_listen_port Port where the Wanda service is exposed 4001
force_pull_images Force pull the container images for trento components false
force_recreate_web_container Recreate the web container false
force_recreate_wanda_container Recreate the wanda container false
remove_web_container_image Remove Web container image in cleanup task true
remove_wanda_container_image Remove Wanda container image in cleanup task true
web_postgres_db Name of the postgres database of the web application webdb
web_postgres_event_store Name of the postgres event store database of web application event_store
web_postgres_user Name of the postgres user used by web application web
install_postgres Install postgresql in the postgres provisioning phase "true"
wanda_postgres_user Name of the postgres user used by wanda project wanda
wanda_postgres_db Name of the postgres database of wanda application wanda
web_postgres_host Postgres host of web project container host.docker.internal
wanda_postgres_host Postgres host of wanda project container host.docker.internal
rabbitmq_vhost The rabbitmq vhost used for the current deployment trento
rabbitmq_username Username of rabbitmq user, this will be created by the rabbitmq role trento
rabbitmq_node_name The name of rabbitmq node rabbit@localhost
rabbitmq_host The rabbitmq host, used by web and wanda containers. It could include the service port host.docker.internal
secret_key_base The secret of phoenix application Generated by playbook
access_token_secret The secret used for access tokens JWT signature Generated by playbook
refresh_token_secret The secret used for refresh tokens JWT signature Generated by playbook
web_admin_username Username of the admin user in web application admin
enable_alerting Enable the alerting mechanism on web project false
alert_sender Email address used as the "from" address in alerts
alert_recipient Email address to receive alert notifications
smtp_server IP address of the SMTP server
smtp_port Port number of SMTP server
smtp_user Username for SMTP authentication
smtp_password Password for SMTP authentication
install_nginx Install nginx true
nginx_ssl_cert_as_base64 Nginx SSL certificate provided as base64 string false
nginx_ssl_key_as_base64 Nginx SSL key provided as base64 string false
override_nginx_default_conf Override the default nginx conf for one that will use the vhosts according to an opinionated directory structure true
nginx_vhost_filename Nginx vhost filename. "conf" suffix is added to the given name trento
nginx_vhost_http_listen_port Configure the http listen port for trento (redirects to https by default) 80
nginx_vhost_https_listen_port Configure the https listen port for trento 443
enable_api_key Enable/Disable API key usage. Mostly for testing purposes true
enable_charts Enable/Disable charts display based on Prometheus metrics true
web_upstream_name Web nginx upstream name web
wanda_upstream_name Wanda nginx upstream name wanda
amqp_protocol Change the amqp protocol type amqp
prometheus_url Prometheus server url http://localhost:9090
web_host Host where the web instance is listening http://localhost
install_method Installation method for trento components, can be either rpm or docker rpm

trento agents

Name Description Default
trento_server_url Trento server url http://localhost:4000
trento_repository OBS repository from where trento agent is installed
rabbitmq_username Username of rabbitmq user, this will be created by the rabbitmq role trento
rabbitmq_host The rabbitmq host, used by web and wanda containers. It could include the service port

Clean up

In order to clean up most of the applied changes and created resources, the playbook.cleanup playbook could be used. It uses the same inventory and variables file than the main playbook.

These are the cleaned resources:

  • Web and Wanda containers/images
  • Docker network
  • Postgresql database and users
  • Nginx vhost configuration file
  • RabbitMQ vhost

Run the playbook with:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml --extra-vars @extra-vars.json playbook.cleanup.yml

Disclaimer: The installed packages are not removed as most of the times they are of general usage, and this could have impact in many other services.

Usage with vagrant

You can test the playbook using vagrant, the default configuration in this repository assumes that you have VirtualBox, change it to what matches your setup.

The Vagrantfile contains sane defaults for running the playbook, it assumes that you have trento.local as localhost alias in your /etc/hosts.

You can reach the trento application using https://trento.local:8443.

The Vagrantfile contains a self signed certificate for trento.local domain, make sure you accept the exception when prompted by your browser.

Start the vagrant box

$ vagrant up

This will spawn a vagrant box with Opensuse Leap 15.4 as base box. The provisioning will be automatic after the box starts.

Force provision the vagrant box

$ vagrant provision

Use this command when you want to reprovision (re-run the ansible playbook) the vagrant box, you could use this to rerun the playbook if you are in the development process or you want to change some variables.


  1. For SP3, Prometheus installation needs to be provided manually.


Ansible playbook for Trento Project components









  • Jinja 77.3%
  • Dockerfile 12.0%
  • Shell 10.7%