Tags: rubak/spatstat
Final changes before submission to CRAN. progress.R sigtrace.R dppm.R simulate.detPPF.R Minor tweaks to satisfy codetools::checkUsageEnv dppm.Rd lgcp.estK.Rd Shortened examples, to satisfy package checker DESCRIPTION Replicated patterns get a longer mention in the Description field CITATION Changed URL of forthcoming book to crcpress.com as suggested by Rob NEWS DESCRIPTION Updated as version 1.43-0
Bug fix in Neyman-Scott simulation. randomNS.R Bug fixes related to inhomogeneous 'kappa'. random.R New 'fast' code gets a check on huge values of lambda. as.im.R as.im.function has new argument 'strict' NEWS DESCRIPTION spatstat-package.Rd Acknowledged Ben Ramage. rMatClust.Rd rVarGamma.Rd rCauchy.Rd Added examples of inhomogeneous 'kappa'. DESCRIPTION NEWS Updated as version 1.42-2.043
quantile method for density estimates. quantiledensity.R [New file] quantile.density.Rd [New file] quantile method for kernel density estimates. CDF.Rd [New file] New generic CDF() and method CDF.density() DESCRIPTION NEWS Updated as version 1.42-2.038
Fixed problem with RandomFields namespace. clusterinfo.R rLGCP.R Replaced ensureRandomFields() by requireNamespace("RandomFields"). clusterinfo.R spatstat-internal.Rd Removed function 'ensureRandomFields'. options.R Removed option 'debugRF'. DESCRIPTION NEWS updated as version 1.42-2.011
Bugfix to satisfy CRAN. New version submitted to CRAN. DESCRIPTION NEWS initialised as version 1.41-1 with nickname 'Ides of March' DESCRIPTION Corrected 'Title' field. waka.Rd improve.kppm.Rd Corrected/removed invalid URL's. is.marked.ppm.Rd Corrected omission of is.marked.lppm plot.im.Rd Corrected omission of image.im
Minor tweaks/bugfixes to satisfy package checker. linearK.R Bug fix in getlambda.lpp, affecting all 'inhom' summary functions on a linear network. density.ppp.R envelope.R images.R Kcom.R Kest.R Kinhom.R Kmeasure.R kppm.R linnet.R linearpcf.R lurking.R nndistlpp.R pcf.R predict.ppm.R pspcross.R psst.R psstG.R randommk.R relrisk.ppm.R rose.R solist.R summary.ppm.R weights.R [mppm] interactions.R [mppm] reduceformula.R [mppm] summary.mppm.R Modified local variable usage to satisfy codetools::checkUsageEnv . Some edits are minor bug fixes. DESCRIPTION NEWS Version number changed to 1.41-0.
Urgent bugfix for compatebility with R-devel. New version 1.39-1. wingeom.R Urgent bug fix in bdry.mask (bug happens in R-devel, not current R release) tests/windows.R Added tests of problem. areadiff.R areainter.R bw.diggle.R clip.psp.R closepairs.R connected.R crossdistlpp.R densityhack.R density.ppp.R dg.R dgs.R discarea.R dist2dpath.R distan3D.R distances.R distanxD.R distmap.R edgeRipley.R exactdt.R exactPdt.R fardist.R fgk3.R fiksel.R geyer.R idw.R Jinhom.R Kest.R linalg.R lineardisc.R localpcf.R minnndist.R nncross3D.R nncross.R nndist.R nnmap.R pairdistlpp.R pixellate.R psp2pix.R pspcross.R quasirandom.R scanstat.R smooth.ppp.R strauss.R wingeom.R xypolygon.R xysegment.R Removed deprecated argument 'DUP' from .C calls options.R spatstat.options.Rd Removed option 'dupC'. nearestsegment.R Bug fix arising when segment lengths are zero. Thanks to Suman Rakshit. tests/xysegment.R [New file] Tests of problems with segments. DESCRIPTION NEWS updated. Nickname changed to 'Wrath of Grapes'