This project is a coding convention checking tool. Here are the rules and library used:
- Python: rule-PEP8 lib-pylint.
- Java: rule-Sun or [Google]-(, Sub is used as default, lib-checkstyle
The above code checkers should be installed before the app is set up.
Our project also uses codemirror to display codes on the webpage.
To fufil all the requirements for the python server, you need to run:
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You can run the program by:
docker run --name <container_name> -h <IP> -p 5000:5000 ruiwu1990/coding_convention_tool python
should be replaced with your machine ip address. The command is to set up a server with your machine -p 5000:5000 means that mapping host machine port 5000 (first one) with docker container port 5000 (second one). Here is the command that I used:
docker run --name tmp2 -h -p 5000:5000 ruiwu1990/coding_convention_tool python