This is old and bad, use this instead:
https://github.com/JBustos22/oDFe + https://github.com/Jelvan1/cgame_proxymod
iodfengine is a defrag-oriented engine, a fork of ioquake3 with some dfengine features and some new things.
source: https://github.com/runaos/iodfe
ioq3 - http://ioquake3.org/ dfengine - http://cggdev.org/, http://q3defrag.org/files/dfengine/ (source mirror: https://github.com/cliffrowley/dfengine)
Features from dfengine:
in_mouse 3 - raw input for Windows, an alternative to sometimes buggy SDL input (in_mouse 1) con_filter[0-9] /download /cl_mapAutoDownload Drakkar's fast loading code See README-DFEngine for detailed info
Other features:
iodfe_hud_snap_draw 1 - snapping hud, shows zones of possible acceleration (for 8 ms frametime) _snap_auto - auto-shifting angle of the hud for different strafe styles _snap_def - offset with no keys pressed or with scr_hud_snap_auto 0 _snap_speed - calculate zones for the stated speed instead colors and position settings: _snap_rgba1 _snap_rgba2 _snap_y _snap_h
iodfe_hud_pitch - angle marks, setting it to "-15 70" for example will put two marks at -15 and 70 degrees of pitch colors and position settings: _pitch_rgba _pitch_thickness _pitch_width _pitch_x
con_timestamp [0-1] - adds a timestamp at each message in console con_timedisplay [0-3] - displays time at input line (1), at right bottom console corner (2) or at both places (3)
con_drawversion - toggles version at right bottom console corner con_filter - toggles filtering with con_filter[0-9] vars con_completemapnames - toggles /map and /devmap autocompletion
con_notifylines - number of lines shown in chat notify display con_notifykeep - keeps it not erased after opening console con_notifyx - x pos con_notifyy - y pos
ctrl+enter in console sends message with /team_say ctrl+shift+enter sends it with /tell to df_mp_trackplayernum
in_keyboardRepeatDelay [ms] in_keyboardRepeatInterval [ms] in_numpadbug [0-1] - fixes non-working numpad on Windows
r_xpos, r_ypos - game window position