Ruby + Clojure = Rouge.
In no particular order:
- Ruby's gems are fun to use.
- Quick boot time (currently around 0.1s).
- Clojure is awesome.
Rouge is not yet mature enough to have an installer or distributions. Just
clone the source and run the rouge
script to start:
git clone git://
cd rouge
bundle install
You'll see the user=>
prompt. Enjoy! (Expect plenty of stack traces.)
See boot.rg, em-rg, mechanize-rg, but to demonstrate salient features:
; define a macro
(defmacro defn [name args & body]
`(def ~name (fn ~name ~args ~@body)))
; call a Ruby method on Kernel (if the ruby namespace is referred)
(defn require [lib]
(.require Kernel lib))
; call a Ruby method on an Array with a block argument
(defn reduce [f coll]
(.inject coll | f))
; using Ruby's AMQP gem with an inline block
(.subscribe queue {:ack true} | [metadata payload]
(puts (str "got a message: " payload))
(.ack metadata))
; copied from core.clj and modified to work with our currently smaller core
(defmacro binding [bindings & body]
(let [var-ize (fn [var-vals]
(fn [pair]
(let [key (first pair)
val (second pair)]
[`(.name (var ~key)) val]))
(.each_slice var-vals 2))
(push-thread-bindings (hash-map ~@(var-ize bindings)))
What about in Rails?
$ r c -- -I../rouge/lib -rrouge
Loading development environment (Rails 3.2.6)
1.9.3p194 :002 > Rouge::REPL.repl []
user=> (.where ruby/Content {:id 1})
Content Load (0.7ms) SELECT "contents".* FROM "contents" WHERE "contents"."id" = 1
[#<Content id: 1, content_group_id: 1, name: "welcome", content: "blah blah", created_at: "2012-08-26 11:30:50", updated_at: "2012-08-26 11:50:27", order: nil>]
See TODO, but big ones include:
- seqs
- persistent datastructures everywhere
- defprotocol
Yes, please! The usual dance would be:
- Make a topic branch.
- Do your tests, do your thing.
- Pull request!
Note that I've yet to work out copyright or license (will ask on
), but promise that they won't be anything stupid.
Original author: Arlen Cuss — [email protected].
Inspiration: 100% Clojure. Thanks be to Rich Hickey.
Yet to be determined; likely EPL due to the entire concept and some code taken direct from Clojure.