A tool to AES encrypt/decrypt data in javascript and/or PHP. You can use it for PHP only, for Javascript only or mix it together.
It uses default aes-256-cbc implementation with random salts and initialization vector.
- Encrypt any value in Javascript (objects/array/etc...) - Everything that can be passed to
- Encrypt any value in PHP (object/array/etc...) - Everything that can be passed to
- Decrypt in PHP/Javascript, doesn't matter where you have encrypted the values
Breaking changes: This library has changed to PSR-4 namespaces as of 7. April 2020. Also parameters and behaviour has changed to the previous version. For the old version of this library head to the legacy branch.
PHP | See dist/example-php.php
You need the file src/CryptoJsAes.php
use Nullix\CryptoJsAes\CryptoJsAes;
require "CryptoJsAes.php";
// encrypt
$originalValue = ["We do encrypt an array", "123", ['nested']]; // this could be any value
$password = "123456";
$encrypted = CryptoJsAes::encrypt($originalValue, $password);
// something like: {"ct":"g9uYq0DJypTfiyQAspfUCkf+\/tpoW4DrZrpw0Tngrv10r+\/yeJMeseBwDtJ5gTnx","iv":"c8fdc314b9d9acad7bea9a865671ea51","s":"7e61a4cd341279af"}
// decrypt
$encrypted = '{"ct":"g9uYq0DJypTfiyQAspfUCkf+\/tpoW4DrZrpw0Tngrv10r+\/yeJMeseBwDtJ5gTnx","iv":"c8fdc314b9d9acad7bea9a865671ea51","s":"7e61a4cd341279af"}';
$password = "123456";
$decrypted = CryptoJsAes::decrypt($encrypted, $password);
echo "Encrypted: " . $encrypted . "\n";
echo "Decrypted: " . print_r($decrypted, true) . "\n";
Javascript | See dist/example-js.html
You need the file dist/cryptojs-aes.min.js
and dist/cryptojs-aes-format.js
<script src="dist/cryptojs-aes.min.js"></script>
<script src="dist/cryptojs-aes-format.js"></script>
(function () {
// encrypt value
let valueToEncrypt = 'foobar' // this could also be object/array/whatever
let password = '123456'
let encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(JSON.stringify(valueToEncrypt), password, { format: CryptoJSAesJson }).toString()
console.log('Encrypted:', encrypted)
// something like: {"ct":"10MOxNzbZ7vqR3YEoOhKMg==","iv":"9700d78e12910b5cccd07304333102b7","s":"c6b0b7a3dc072248"}
(function () {
// decrypt value
let encrypted = '{"ct":"hQDvpbAKTGp1mXgzSShR9g==","iv":"57fd85773d898d1f9f868c53b436e28f","s":"a2dac436512077c5"}'
let password = '123456'
let decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encrypted, password, { format: CryptoJSAesJson }).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8)
console.log('Decrypted JSON stringified string - You have to pass this through JSON.parse() to get original values:', decrypted)
console.log('Decrypted JSON parsed (Original Value):', JSON.parse(decrypted))
- PHP 7.x - If you need 5.x support, head to the legacy branch
- PHP with OpenSSL Support: http://php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php
- Does not work with following php.ini option enabled: http://php.net/manual/en/mbstring.overload.php
- 7. April 2020
- Upgraded project to namespaces