Data science interview questions - with answers
The answers are given by the community
- If you know how to answer a question — please create a PR with the answer
- If there's already an answer, but you can improve it — please create a PR with improvement suggestion
- If you see a mistake — please create a PR with a fix
For updates, follow me on Twitter (@Al_Grigor) and on LinkedIn (agrigorev)
- Theoretical questions: (linear models, trees, neural networks and others)
- Technical questions: (SQL, Python, coding)
- More to come
The contrib
folder contains contributed interview questions:
- Probability: contrib/
- Add your questions here!
- Awesome data science interview questions and other resources:
This is a joint effort of many people. You can see the list of contributors here:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.