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Flexibly enforce any schema, anytime. SuperOM is sup-ed up schema control over any object - whitelist fields and convert between types and keys at your leisure.

Many thanks and credit are due to wankdanker's node-object-mapper. This module is essentially an API and Type-enforcement layer on top of it, an abstraction of a pattern that evolved at Moveline.


npm i --save super-object-mapper



It is often desirable to enforce an object mapping or schema at an application's interfaces, typically between app logic and a Database or a Client.

An object mapper can deal with issues where your app's consumers:

  • Need to limit an object to a subset of fields
  • Prefer different data types (Ex: MongoId vs String)
  • Use legacy field names that are no-longer ideal


Notably, the above use-cases can all be accomplished with wankdanker's node-object-mapper. After building a handful of apps with this module, a few patterns popped up - Super Object Mapper intends to present those patterns with a simple API.


You can require and create an instance of the Super Object Mapper anywhere in your app:

var SuperOM = require('super-object-mapper');
var superOM = new SuperOM();

###superOM.addMapper(mapper, mapperName)

Define and add a mapper to any instance of superOM like so:

userMapper = {
  "database": {
    "id": "_id",
    "name": "name",
    "email": "emailAddress"
  "domain": {
    "_id": "id",
    "name": "name",
    "emailAddress": "email"

superOM.addMapper(userMapper, "users");

###superOM.mapObject(object, options)

You can then run any object across the mapper and map of your choosing.

var object = {
  id: "123456abcdef654321fedcba",
  name: "Mario",
  email: "[email protected]",
  extraneousProperty: "whatever data"
var databaseObject = superOM.mapObject(object, {mapper: "users", map: "database"});

//  _id: "123456abcdef654321fedcba",
//  name: "Mario",
//  emailAddress: "[email protected]"

Only the fields specified by the mapper will survive the mapping. Fields explicity set to falsy values will be carried through the mappers as null.

If the specifed map or mapper do not exist, an error will be thrown.

If the object passed is falsy, null will be returned.

Instead of an object, you may hand an array of objects to the mapObject function. The mapper will be run over every object in the array, and the fully mapped Array will be returned.

var array = [
    id: "123456abcdef654321fedcba",
    name: "Mario",
    email: "[email protected]",
    extraneousProperty: "whatever data"
  }, {
    id: "123456abcdef654321fedcba",
    name: "Luigi",
    email: "[email protected]",
    extraneousProperty: "whatever data"
var databaseArray = superOM.mapObject(array, {mapper: "users", map: "database"});

//  {
//    _id: "123456abcdef654321fedcba",
//    name: "Mario",
//    emailAddress: "[email protected]"
//  },{
//    _id: "123456abcdef654321fedcba",
//    name: "Luigi",
//    emailAddress: "[email protected]"
//  }


You can specify clean on the options object to remove falsey values from the mapped object.

var mappedObject = superOM.mapObject(object, {mapper: "users", map: "database", clean: true});


super-object-mapper provides a set of built-in datatype handlers. These types can be implemented in your mappers as follows:

superOMType = require('super-object-mapper').Types;

userMapper = {
  "database": {
    "id": superOMType.objectId("_id")
  "domain": {
    "_id": superOMType.string("id")

These wrappers will cast your data type as the specified type, with the exception of falsy values, which will always be passed across the mappers as null.


Converts any value passed to a String.


Currently this depends on the ObjectID provided by mongodb-core.BSON (TODO: add links).


Feel free to contribute! Open to any PRs.

Run tests with npm test.