Java implementation for the Schoology API.
Behold, a straightforward two- and three-legged authentication wrapper for the Schoology REST API.
Make sure to use the schoology-impl
module for the actual OAuth (Scribe) implementation.
Run the following commands to install the package in your local Maven repository:
$ git clone
$ cd schoology-api/schoology-impl
$ mvn clean install
Then, paste the following snippet into your project's POM.xml dependencies:
You can generate a user API key & secret by going to https://[DISTRICT_PREFIX]
SchoologyRequestHandler schoology = new SchoologyRequestHandler(DISTRICT_PREFIX, API_KEY, API_SECRET);
SchoologyFlow flow = new SchoologyFlow(DISTRICT_PREFIX, API_KEY, API_SECRET, CALLBACK_URL);
SchoologyToken token = flow.createRequestToken();
String authUrl = token.getAuthorizationUrl();
// redirect client...
String verifier = "[Response from callback URL]";
SchoologyRequestHandler schoology = token.createRequestHandler(verifier);
Requests can be send and parsed manually, or by using the premade methods provided with the SchoologyRequestHandler.
// [UID] represents the target user ID
SchoologyResponseBody response = schoology.get("users/[UID]?extended=true").requireSuccess().getBody();
System.out.println(response.getRawData()); // raw JSON string
SchoologyNode node = response.parse();
System.out.println(node.get("name_display").asString()); // get display name of user
schoology.put("users/[UID]", "{\"name_first_preferred\": \"NewName\"}"); // set preferred first name
// [UID] represents the target user ID
SchoologyUser user = schoology.getUser("[UID]");
System.out.println(user.getNameDisplay()); // get display name of user
user.setNameFirstPreferred("NewName"); // set preferred first name
Big thanks to @electro2560 for taking this project to the next level. Contributions and feature requests are always welcome!