CommonLib.Web Public
[C#, ASP.NET] ASP.NET CORE (MVC, Razor Pages, Blazor) multi-purpose library containing custom components, authorization system, as well as various extension, utility and converter methods.
C# UpdatedOct 6, 2024 -
MSBuildTasks Public
[C#] Library containing custom MSBuild tasks useful in the process of speeding up project build times
C# UpdatedJun 29, 2023 -
Serpent Public
[WPF] This program has been developed for the cryptography course I was participating in. It is an implementation of Serpent CIpher in C# along with the ability to encrypt and decrypt files in asyn…
BlazorDemo Public
[ASP.NET Core Blazor, EF Core, MSSQL, JQuery] Example employees management system in Blazor.
C# UpdatedDec 8, 2022 -
Tutorials Public
This is a repository for all the materials associated with the tutorials that I have published.
C# UpdatedDec 8, 2022 -
ExampleBlockchainWithGui Public
[WPF, C#] This project can serve as a reference on how to implement Blockchain and Cryptocurrency from scratch.
BettingBot Public
[WPF] Project created for my Master's degree, it aims to utilize publicly available betting tips and statistics (data NOT provided by any API) in order to turn sport betting into a viable investmen…
BlockchainEncoder Public
[WPF, C#] This project aims to explore ways of reusing existing blockchain data and possibly achieve compression while doing so.
C# UpdatedJul 15, 2022 -
CommonLib.Wpf Public
[C#, WPF] This is a WPF multi-purpose library containing custom controls, animations, as well as various extension, utility and converter methods.
TendermintAbciGrpcCSharp Public
[C#, GRPC, Tendermint] Simple key-value store synced by validator nodes, built on top of Tendermint (Cosmos) blockchain.
VueGraphDemo Public
[Vue, GraphQL, Apollo, MongoDB] Simple Web App showing current state of my Vue knowledge
Vue UpdatedMar 27, 2021 -
Mastermind Public
[Xamarin, WCF] Mobile Mastermind Game with Statistics and unlockable History parts for achieving higher Scores.
EventsAroundUs Public
[ASP.NET MVC, JavaScript, MySQL] Project aims to provide simple notifications exchange between friends
TSQL UpdatedAug 21, 2020 -
InteractiveBooks Public
[ASP.NET MVC, JQuery] Project for my Bachelor degree aiming to allow people create and read books with dialog options
JavaScript UpdatedAug 21, 2020 -
BootstrapDemo Public
[Bootstrap, JQuery, Razor Pages] This is more or less complete set of examples featuring everything Bootstrap 4 has to offer.
HTML UpdatedJun 26, 2020 -
AspNetCoreDemo Public
[ASP.NET MVC Core, EF Core, MSSQL, JQuery] Example employee management and user administration system.
RazorPagesDemo Public
[ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, EF Core, MSSQL, JQuery] Example employees management system.
NeuralNetworkTicTacToe Public
[WPF] SImple project developed for Artificial Inteligence course I was participating in. Program aims to utilize Neural Network as classifier in order to play TicTacToe game efficiently (I had a ve…
C# UpdatedAug 10, 2019 -
WoWPlaterRoleIcons Public
[WoW LUA] Plater AddOn Mod to show other players' role next to the nameplate.
Lua UpdatedAug 10, 2019 -
ComputationalGeometry Public
[WPF] Application developed for Computational Geometry course I was participating.
C# UpdatedAug 3, 2019 -
ID3 Public
[C#] Simple ID3 implementation requested by people I was studying with.
C# UpdatedSep 7, 2018 -
JadeFootballAnalysis Public
[Swing, Jade] Simple project implementing football-data API and utilizing Jade platform to divide work between various agents, where each one is responsible for different parts of analysis process.
Java UpdatedMar 26, 2018 -
Arkanoid Public
[Swing] This is simple Java Swing Application that allows user to play Arkanoid game with randomly generated levels and varying diffculty. Through this application I was starting to learn Java lang…
Java UpdatedMar 25, 2018