Copyright: The copyright holders are the Belgian Defence and NATO / NCIRC. License: Affero General Public License v3
A huge challenge in the Cyber Security domain is the information sharing inside and between organizations. This platform has as goal to facilitate:
- storing technical and non-technical information about seen malwares and attacks
- automatically creating relations between malwares and events
- storing data in a structured format (allowing automated use of the database for various purposes)
- generating IDS rules that can be imported on IDS systems (network, host)
- sharing the information with other parties and trust-groups
- storing locally all information from other instances
To have a better idea what the platform does have a look at the PDF files in the INSTALL directory.
Make sure you read the documentation in the INSTALL directory. We are currently consolidating the documentation, so it will be updated often.
This code is the first version of MISP. (previously known as CyDefSIG) Feel free to look at the develop branch to look the very new features that will come.