by Project Group 22: Ryan (rdaer2), Chang (chou24), Inderjit (iinderji), Maxime (msavehil)
loginUI is located at srs/main/java/cryptoTrader/Authentication/LoginUI
run LoginUI to start the system, if sucessfully login, then the MainUI will run
CredentialDB is located at outmost file
here credentialDB is a txt file
Sample Credentials to login into the UI
Username : user1
Password : password123
Setting up for Eclipse:
In the Project Explorer window, right click file "pom.xml",
and go to Maven > Update Project...
Then select project in the popup window and hit "ok"
- Run LoginUI. Input ID and password until correctly login
- MainUI is shown
- Add couple valid new brokers with complete information
- Remove any unwanted brokers
- Perform trade by "perform trade" button
- Trade strategy is performed based on given broker list and their information
- Update trade action log and histogram based on the trade
- Repeat 3-7 or 4-7 or 5-7 until exit input
- End