Write a 2fa sts session token for awscli to ~/.aws/credentials.
Works with this IAM Policy.
Instructions are for Mac OSX and assumes you have homebrew.
This tool only supports Virtual MFA Devices like Duo Mobile and Google Authenticator
brew install python
pip3 install awscli boto3
cp aws2fa /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/aws2fa
$ aws2fa --help
usage: aws2fa [-h] [-p PROFILE] [--mfa MFA] [--mfa_code MFA_CODE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
non-STS profile (default is default)
--mfa MFA Virtual MFA device arn, omit for a device list
--mfa_code MFA_CODE Code from MFA device
Get a list of assigned MFA devices
$ aws2fa --profile username
No saved MFA device found
Assigned virtual MFA devices. Pass one of these to aws2fa with the --mfa option
Store the MFA arn
$ ./aws2fa --profile username --mfa arn:aws:iam::1234567890:mfa/username
Wrote arn:aws:iam::1234567890:mfa/username device to profile username
MFA device is assigned but no code provided.
Pass the code from your MFA device with --mfa_code
Store an STS session in ~/.aws/credentials for use with awscli
$ aws2fa --profile username --mfa_code 123456
Session token written successfully to profile username_sts for 43200 seconds
$ aws s3 ls --profile username_sts