GWT thick/fat client web application exposing a small set of 'gwit' cool features through the use of Google Places API.
This project has be created using gwt-maven-plugin 2.8.1 archtype and it is primarily a Maven project. The pom.xml
file covers the following aspects(for now):
Profile management: i.e. development, development-compile-report
Java compilation
GWT setup, compilation, tuning
Shell scripts: i.e.,
Option 01: Run Eclipse maven run configuration `proximity-places-startDevEnv' and enjoy!
Option 02: Run shell script '' and enjoy!
Option 01: Run Eclipse maven run configuration 'proximity-places-generateDevCompileReport' and debug!
Option 02: Run shell script '' which after the run will also provide you with the means of auto-open the report in your browser.
To be extended....