This project is inspired by the groundbreaking work of Kimi k1.5: Scaling Reinforcement Learning with LLMs.
TITAN-RL is a distributed reinforcement learning framework that separates policy rollout, experience storage, and training into independent microservices. This design enables flexible scaling and efficient resource utilization.
graph TD
A[Training Service] -->|Policy Updates| B[Rollout Service]
B -->|Experiences| C[Buffer Service]
C -->|Sample Batch| A
B -->|Interact| D[Environment]
D -->|State/Reward| B
A -->|Metrics| E[Weights & Biases]
style A fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style B fill:#9cf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style C fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style D fill:#fc9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style E fill:#c9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
The system consists of three main components:
Rollout Service: Handles environment interactions and experience collection
- Multiple workers can run in parallel
- Implements epsilon-greedy exploration
- Computes trajectory-level statistics
Buffer Service: Manages experience replay storage
- Thread-safe experience storage
- Efficient batch sampling
- Configurable buffer size
Training Service: Coordinates the training process
- Implements DQN algorithm
- Manages policy updates
- Tracks training metrics via wandb
The components communicate via gRPC, allowing for distributed deployment and easy scaling.
- Distributed architecture with gRPC communication
- Modular design for easy algorithm implementation
- Built-in support for Weights & Biases logging
- Configurable via YAML files
- Visualization tools for trained agents
- Multi-threaded experience collection and training
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd titan-rl
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Generate protobuf code
- Start the services:
This will:
- Launch the rollout server
- Start the buffer server
- Begin the main training loop
- Monitor training:
- Visit your Weights & Biases dashboard to view training metrics
- Check terminal output for episode rewards and training status
- Visualize trained agent:
python --model_path checkpoint.pth
The system is configured via YAML files in the config
directory. Example configuration:
num_workers: 1
env_name: "CartPole-v1"
epsilon: 0.1
path: "models.simple_policy.SimplePolicy"
state_dim: 4
action_dim: 2
lr: 0.001
gamma: 0.99
batch_size: 64
min_buffer_size: 1000
Adding New Algorithms:
- Create a new trainer class in
- Implement the required interface methods
- Update configuration to use the new trainer
- Create a new trainer class in
Custom Environments:
- TITAN-RL supports any Gymnasium-compatible environment
- Update the environment name in configuration
Custom Policies:
- Add new policy classes in
- Implement the required PyTorch interface
- Add new policy classes in
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Built with PyTorch and Gymnasium
- Monitoring with Weights & Biases
- Distributed communication via gRPC