This workflow is not containerised, but the dependencies are quite minimal:
- Marker alignments package and its tool
Additionally, samtools stats
is the default and recommended for alignment stats.
By default, bowtie2
, marker_alignments
and samtools
are assumed to be on $PATH
but you can provide a path to an executable in the pipeline config.
If you want to use --downloadMethod wget
you also need wget
. If you want to use --downloadMethod sra
you need the SRA EUtils, with prefetch
and fastq-dump
on $PATH
--unpackMethod bz2
requires bzip2
on $PATH
You also need a bowtie2
reference database of taxonomic markers, like ChocoPhlAn or EukDetect.
Main parameters:
param | value type | description |
inputPath | path to file | TSV: sample ID,fastq URL or run ID, [second URL for paired reads] |
downloadMethod | "wget" / "sra" / "local" | |
libraryLayout | "single" / "paired" | |
resultDir | path to dir | publish directory |
refdb | path pattern | bowtie2 -x parameter |
bowtie2Command | shell | Run bowtie2 |
alignmentStatsCommand | shell | samtools stats or other |
summarizeAlignmentsCommand | shell | path to marker_alignments optionally with filter arguments to use |
Optional parameters:
param | value type | description |
marker_to_taxon_path | path to file | summarize_marker_alignments --marker_to_taxon_path parameter |
unpackMethod | "bz2" | for FTP .tar.bz2 content |
I run it like that:
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"
nextflow pull wbazant/marker-alignments-nextflow -r main
nextflow run wbazant/marker-alignments-nextflow -r main \
--inputPath $DIR/in.tsv \
--resultDir $DIR/results \
--downloadMethod wget \
--unpackMethod bz2 \
--libraryLayout paired \
--refdb ${REF_PATH}/ncbi_eukprot_met_arch_markers.fna \
--marker_to_taxon_path ${REF_PATH}/busco_taxid_link.txt \
-c $DIR/cluster.conf \
-with-trace -resume | tee $DIR/tee.out
process {
executor = 'lsf'
maxForks = 60
withLabel: 'download' {
maxForks = 5
maxRetries = 3
withLabel: 'align' {
errorStrategy = 'finish'