golang hooks for http://pre-commit.com/
Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo: git://github.com/dnephin/pre-commit-golang
sha: HEAD
- id: go-fmt
- id: go-vet
- id: go-lint
- id: validate-toml
- id: no-go-testing
- id: gometalinter
- Runsgofmt
, requires golanggo-vet
- Runsgo vet
, requires golanggo-lint
- Runsgolint
, requires https://github.com/golang/lintvalidate-toml
- Runstomlv
, requires https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml/tree/master/cmd/tomlvno-go-testing
- Checks that no files are usingtesting.T
, if you want developers to use a different testing frameworkgometalinter
- rungometalinter --config gometalinter.json ./...