Pure C++ implementation of several models for real-time chatting on your computer (CPU)
A comprehensive collection of KAN(Kolmogorov-Arnold Network)-related resources, including libraries, projects, tutorials, papers, and more, for researchers and developers in the Kolmogorov-Arnold N…
The Open Source Feature Store for Machine Learning
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
AlgoPlus is a C++17 library for complex data structures and algorithms
Customizable automatic UML diagram generator for C++ based on Clang.
A simple script that generates a PlantUML class diagram from a C++ source file
Sources for
Record voice notes & transcribe, summarize, and get tasks
C++ Trading Algorithm Backtest Environment
redis-cpp is a header-only library in C++17 for Redis (and C++11 backport)
A high-frequency trading and market-making backtesting and trading bot in Python and Rust, which accounts for limit orders, queue positions, and latencies, utilizing full tick data for trades and o…
libkdtree++ is an STL-like C++ template container implementation of k-dimensional space sorting, using a kd-tree. It sports a theoretically unlimited number of dimensions, and can store any data st…
nanoflann: a C++11 header-only library for Nearest Neighbor (NN) search with KD-trees
C++ implementation of KDTree & kNN classification on MNIST
Pure cpp implementation of XGBoost predictor for systems real-time prediction.
🦘 A dependency injection container for C++11, C++14 and later
Home to luple, nuple, C++ String Interning, Struct Reader and C++ Type Loophole
Simple implementation property pattern on C++
A lightweight C++20 serialization and RPC library