C# Application - Send and Receive SMS using GSM Example
Đồ án Chuyên đề công nghệ phần mềm khoá D18. Triển khai bằng ASP.NET Core 6 và DevExpress
ASP.NET GridView Implementation with Northwind DB
(Debit Money Management ) مشروع البرمجي الخاص في الدورة التعليمة الخاصة في انشاء برنامج ادارة الديون
Development of a restaurant management system for desktop, with the technologies: C # , .NET, DevExpress, SQL Server, JasperReports
An active countdown solution.一种活动倒计时解决方案。
Hello buddy here is the GUI version of TheSpeedx Tbomb tool (
SMS Sending Using AT Commands in Python
Check out the new style for App Design aims for Payment App...😉😀😁😎
AdmobRealTime Change Admob Ads from server directly
Find my phone app have seven bugs you have to fix them to be your own app
A calculator for quick simple calculations with a nice user interface and no ads
A quick adapter library for RecyclerView, GridView, ListView, ViewPager, Spinner
Solver for the "Water Sort Puzzle" mobile game
Kotlin Android library that extends RecyclerView to support gestures like drag & drop and swipe, among others. It works with vertical, horizontal and grid lists.
A fully customizable Fast Scroller for the RecyclerView in Android, written in Kotlin
An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.