Inspried by git-sync, this is an attempt to use the pure Go implementation of git for sync and serving static content using a single binary. GSnS also supports webhook notifications when an event occurs, these can be use to post on a slack channel for example.
The webhook notifications support custom payload templates.
This is not battle tested at all. Please use with caution.
To deploy a container on Kubernetes that can serve static content and also keep that said content up to date from a specific git repo.
make build
The following example uses a Slack Incoming URL with a custom template to generate a JSON message for the webhook notification payload.
go run cmd/git-sync-static/main.go --repo [email protected]:saadullahsaeed/some-repo.git --ssh-key-path ~/.ssh/path_to_key --root-dir / --branch master --webhook-url --webhook-method POST --webhook-payload-template '{"text": "{{ .String }} "}'