- Pro
rewotes Public
Forked from Exabyte-io/rewotesREal WOrld TEstS: a set of quick take-home assignments used to test one's fit for a position with the company.
UpdatedOct 25, 2023 -
surrealdb Public
Forked from surrealdb/surrealdbA scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database, for the realtime web
lightweight-charts Public
Forked from tradingview/lightweight-chartsFinancial lightweight charts built with HTML5 canvas
sec-edgar Public
Forked from sec-edgar/sec-edgarDownload all companies periodic reports, filings and forms from EDGAR database.
formik-mui Public
Forked from stackworx/formik-muiBindings for using Formik with Material-UI
TightBindingHamiltonian_Si Public
This is a code to plot the band structure of diamond structure Si
minimal-notion-blog Public
Forked from verfasor/minimal-notion-blogA minimal Notion blog starter boilerplate. Based on Travis Fischer's nextjs-notion-starter-kit.
hardhat Public
Forked from NomicFoundation/hardhatHardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software. Get Solidity stack traces & console.log.
eth-crypto Public
Forked from pubkey/eth-cryptoCryptographic javascript-functions for ethereum and tutorials to use them with web3js and solidity
supply-chain-exercise-sabago Public
Forked from ConsenSys-Academy-Github-Classroom/supply-chain-exercise-sabagosupply-chain-exercise-sabago created by GitHub Classroom
simple-bank-exercise-sabago Public
Forked from ConsenSys-Academy-Github-Classroom/simple-bank-exercise-sabagosimple-bank-exercise-sabago created by GitHub Classroom
bitcoin-whitepaper-exercises Public
Forked from cooganb/bitcoin-whitepaper-exercises -
ethereumbook Public
Forked from ethereumbook/ethereumbookMastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood
bitcoinbook Public
Forked from bitcoinbook/bitcoinbookMastering Bitcoin 2nd Edition - Programming the Open Blockchain
.github Public
Forked from RateGravity/.githubdefault files for RateGravity organization
react-blog Public
Forked from cosmicjs/react-blogCosmic JS, React, Redux, Node
appointment-scheduler Public
Forked from cosmicjs/appointment-schedulerAn appointment scheduler built using React, Twilio and Cosmic
learn-heroku Public
Forked from dwyl/learn-heroku🏁 Learn how to deploy your web application to Heroku from scratch step-by-step in 7 minutes!
react-water-wave Public
Forked from homerchen19/react-water-wave💧React.js jquery.ripples integration component.
simple-react-blog Public
Forked from cosmicjs/simple-react-blogA simple blog website powered by Next.js and the Cosmic GraphQL API
rapidapi-deply-react-app Public
Forked from jdretz/rapidapi-deply-react-appStarter project for deploying a React app. The project is bootstrapped with CRA. The application is used in an article on RapidAPI
getkirby.com Public
Forked from getkirby/getkirby.comSource code and content for the Kirby website