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Okta .NET management SDK

This repository contains the Okta management SDK for .NET. This SDK can be used in your server-side code to interact with the Okta management API and:

We also publish these other libraries for .NET:

You can learn more on the Okta + .NET page in our documentation.

Release status

This library uses semantic versioning and follows Okta's library version policy.

✔️ The current stable major version series is: 5.x

Version Status
0.3.3 ⚠️ Retired on 2019-12-11 (migration guide)
1.x ⚠️ Retired on 2020-12-27
2.x ⚠️ Retiring on 2021-04-10 (migration guide)
3.x ⚠️ Retiring on 2021-08-11 (migration guide)
4.x ⚠️ Retiring on 2021-12-25 (migration guide)
5.x ✔️ Stable
6.x ⚠️ Beta (branch oasv3)

The latest release can always be found on the releases page.

Need help?

If you run into problems using the SDK, you can

Getting Started

The SDK is compatible with:

  • .NET Standard 2.0 and 2.1
  • .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher
  • .NET Core 3.0 or higher
  • .NET 5.0

Visual Studio 2017 or newer is required as previous versions are not compatible with the above frameworks.

Install using Nuget Package Manager

  1. Right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer and choose Manage Nuget Packages...
  2. Search for Okta. Install the Okta.Sdk package.

Install using The Package Manager Console

Simply run install-package Okta.Sdk. Done!

The legacy branch is published on NuGet as Okta.Core.Client 0.3.3. This version is retired and is no longer supported.

The 1.x series will not be supported past December 27, 2020. It will likely remain working after that date but you should make a plan to migrate to the new 3.x version.

You'll also need:

Initialize a client

Construct a client instance by passing it your Okta domain name and API token:

var client = new OktaClient(new OktaClientConfiguration
    OktaDomain = "https://{{yourOktaDomain}}",
    Token = "{{yourApiToken}}"

Hard-coding the Okta domain and API token works for quick tests, but for real projects you should use a more secure way of storing these values (such as environment variables). This library supports a few different configuration sources, covered in the configuration reference section.

Create a scoped client

Create a client scoped to a specific context to specify a custom content type:

var client = new OktaClient(new OktaClientConfiguration
    OktaDomain = "https://{{yourOktaDomain}}",
    Token = "{{yourApiToken}}"

var scopedClient = client.CreateScoped(new RequestContext { ContentType = "my-custom-content-type" });

The content type specified in a scoped client overrides the content type specified on a request, see also Call other API endpoints.

OAuth 2.0

Okta allows you to interact with Okta APIs using scoped OAuth 2.0 access tokens. Each access token enables the bearer to perform specific actions on specific Okta endpoints, with that ability controlled by which scopes the access token contains.

This SDK supports this feature only for service-to-service applications. Check out our guides to learn more about how to register a new service application using a private and public key pair.

When using this approach you won't need an API Token because the SDK will request an access token for you. In order to use OAuth 2.0, construct a client instance by passing the following parameters:

var client = new OktaClient(new OktaClientConfiguration
    OktaDomain = "https://{{yourOktaDomain}}",
    AuthorizationMode = AuthorizationMode.PrivateKey,
    ClientId = "{{clientId}}",
    Scopes = new List<string> { "", "" }, // Add all the scopes you need
    PrivateKey =  new JsonWebKeyConfiguration(jsonString)

Key object for assigning to the PrivateKey can be created and initialized inline like in this example for RSA key:

var privateKey = new JsonWebKeyConfiguration
    P = "{{P}}",
    Kty = "RSA",
    Q = "{{Q}}",
    D = "{{D}}",
    E = "{{E}}",
    Kid = "{{P}}",
    Qi = "{{Qi}}"

var clientConfiguration = new OktaClientConfiguration
    OktaDomain = "https://{{yourOktaDomain}}",
    AuthorizationMode = AuthorizationMode.PrivateKey,
    ClientId = "{{clientId}}",
    Scopes = new List<string> { "", "" }, // Add all the scopes you need
    PrivateKey = privateKey

var client = new OktaClient(clientConfiguration);

It is possible to use an access token you retrieved outside of the SDK for authentication. For that, set OktaClientConfiguration.AuthorizationMode configuration property to AuthorizationMode.BearerToken and OktaClientConfiguration.BearerToken to the token string.

In addition to passing the token via configuration, you can inject your own implementation of the IOAuthTokenProvider interface via the OktaClient constructor. This strategy is useful when you want to refresh a token that has been expired.

You can provide a value for OktaClientConfiguration.BearerToken option along with a custom IOAuthTokenProvider implementation. In this case, the SDK will try to use the OktaClientConfiguration.BearerToken first and if the request fails (for example when the token expires) then the SDK will retry with the custom token provider.

See Get an access token and make a request for additional information.

    // myOAuthTokenProvider implements the Okta.Sdk.Internal.IOAuthTokenProvider interface
    var client = new OktaClient(new OktaClientConfiguration
            ClientId = "{{clientId}}",
            AuthorizationMode = AuthorizationMode.BearerToken,
            BearerToken = "{{preRequestedAccessToken}}",
        oAuthTokenProvider: myOAuthTokenProvider

Usage guide

These examples will help you understand how to use this library. You can also browse the full API reference documentation.

Once you initialize an OktaClient, you can call methods to make requests to the Okta API.

Authenticate a User

This library should be used with the Okta management API. For authentication, we recommend using an OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect library such as Okta ASP.NET middleware.

Get a User

// Get the user with a user ID or login
var vader = await client.Users.GetUserAsync("<Some user ID or login>");

The string argument for GetUserAsync can be the user's ID or the user's login (usually their email).

List all Users

The SDK will automatically paginate Okta collections for you:

// These different styles all perform the same action:
var allUsers = await client.Users.ToArrayAsync();
var allUsers = await client.Users.ToListAsync();
var allUsers = await client.Users.ListUsers().ToArrayAsync();

Filter or search for Users

var foundUsers = await client.Users
                        .ListUsers(search: $"profile.nickName eq \"Skywalker\"")

Create a User

// Create a user with the specified password
var vader = await client.Users.CreateUserAsync(new CreateUserWithPasswordOptions
    // User profile object
    Profile = new UserProfile
        FirstName = "Anakin",
        LastName = "Skywalker",
        Email = "[email protected]",
        Login = "[email protected]",
    Password = "D1sturB1ng!",
    Activate = false,

Activate a User

// With an existing user, call
await vader.ActivateAsync();

Update a User

// Set the nickname in the user's profile
vader.Profile["nickName"] = "Lord Vader";

// Then, save the user
await vader.UpdateAsync();

Get and set custom attributes

You can't create attributes via code right now, but you can get and set their values. To create them you have to use the Profile Editor in the Developer Console web UI. Once you have created them, you can use the code below:

vader.Profile["homeworld"] = "Tattooine";
await vader.UpdateAsync();

Remove a User

// First, deactivate the user
await vader.DeactivateAsync();

// Then delete the user
await vader.DeactivateOrDeleteAsync();

List a User's Groups

// Retrieve the desired user
var user = await client.Users.GetUserAsync("[email protected]");

// get the user's groups
var groups = await user.Groups.ToListAsync();

Create a Group

await client.Groups.CreateGroupAsync(new CreateGroupOptions()
    Name = "Stormtroopers",
    Description = "The 501st"

Add a User to a Group

// Retrieve the desired user
var user = await client.Users.GetUserAsync("[email protected]");

// find the desired group
var group = await client.Groups.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Profile.Name == "Stormtroopers");

// add the user to the group by using their id's
if (group != null && user != null)
    await client.Groups.AddUserToGroupAsync(group.Id, user.Id);

List a User's enrolled Factors

// Find the desired user
var user = await client.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Profile.Email == "[email protected]");

// Get user factors
var factors = await user.ListFactors().ToListAsync();

Enroll a User in a new Factor

// Retrieve the desired user
var user = await client.Users.GetUserAsync("[email protected]");

// Enroll in Okta SMS factor
await user.AddFactorAsync(new AddSmsFactorOptions
    PhoneNumber = "+99999999999",

Activate a Factor

// Find the desired user
var user = await client.Users.FirstAsync(x => x.Profile.Email == "[email protected]");

// Find the desired factor
var smsFactor = await user.Factors.FirstAsync(x => x.FactorType == FactorType.Sms);

// Activate sms factor
var activateFactorRequest = new ActivateFactorRequest()
    PassCode = "foo",

await client.UserFactors.ActivateFactorAsync(activateFactorRequest, user.Id, smsFactor.Id);

Verify a Factor

// Retrieve the desired user
var user = await client.Users.GetUserAsync("[email protected]");

// Find the desired factor
var smsFactor = await user.Factors.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.FactorType == FactorType.Sms);

// Verify sms factor
var verifyFactorRequest = new VerifyFactorRequest()
    PassCode = "foo",

var response = await client.UserFactors.VerifyFactorAsync(verifyFactorRequest, user.Id, smsFactor.Id);

Issuing an SMS Factor Challenge Using a Custom Template

You can customize and optionally localize the SMS message sent to the user on verification. For more information about this feature and the underlying API call, see the related developer documentation.

If you need to send additional information via the AcceptLanguage header, use an scoped client and pass a RequestContext object with your desired headers:

// Create scoped client with specific headers
var scopedClient = client.CreateScoped(new RequestContext() { AcceptLanguage = "de" });

await scopedClient.UserFactors.VerifyFactorAsync(userId, factorId, templateId);

List all Applications

// List all applications
var appList = await client.Applications.ListApplications().ToArrayAsync();

// List all applications of a specific type
var bookmarkAppList = await client.Applications.ListApplications().OfType<IBookmarkApplication>().ToArrayAsync();

Get an Application

var createdApp = await client.Applications.CreateApplicationAsync(new CreateBasicAuthApplicationOptions()
                    Label = "Sample Basic Auth App",
                    Url = "",
                    AuthUrl = "",

var retrievedById = await client.Applications.GetApplicationAsync(createdApp.Id);

Create a SWA Application

var createdApp = await client.Applications.CreateApplicationAsync(new CreateSwaApplicationOptions
    Label = "Sample Plugin App",
    ButtonField = "btn-login",
    PasswordField = "txtbox-password",
    UsernameField = "txtbox-username",
    Url = "",
    LoginUrlRegex = "^",

Create an OpenID Application

var createdApp = await client.Applications.CreateApplicationAsync(new CreateOpenIdConnectApplication
    Label = "Sample Client",
    ClientId = "0oae8mnt9tZexampl3",
    TokenEndpointAuthMethod = OAuthEndpointAuthenticationMethod.ClientSecretPost,
    AutoKeyRotation = true,
    ClientUri = "",
    LogoUri = "",
    ResponseTypes = new List<OAuthResponseType>
    RedirectUris = new List<string>
    GrantTypes = new List<OAuthGrantType>
    ApplicationType = OpenIdConnectApplicationType.Native,
    TermsOfServiceUri = "",
    PolicyUri = "",

Manual pagination

Collections can be fetched with manually controlled pagination, see the following.

var retrievedUsers = new List<IUser>();
var users = oktaClient.Users.ListUsers(limit: 5); // 5 records per a page
var enumerator = users.GetPagedEnumerator();

while (await enumerator.MoveNextAsync())
    // ....................

Call other API endpoints

The SDK client object can be used to make calls to any Okta API (not just the endpoints officially supported by the SDK) via the GetAsync, PostAsync, PutAsync and DeleteAsync methods.

For example, to activate a user using the PostAsync method (instead of user.ActivateAsync):

await client.PostAsync(new Okta.Sdk.HttpRequest
    Uri = $"/api/v1/users/{userId}/lifecycle/activate",
    PathParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>()
        ["userId"] = userId,
    QueryParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>()
        ["sendEmail"] = true,

In this case, there is no benefit to using PostAsync instead of user.ActivateAsync. However, this approach can be used to call any endpoints that are not represented by methods in the SDK.

Rate Limiting

The Okta API will return 429 responses if too many requests are made within a given time. Please see Rate Limiting at Okta for a complete list of which endpoints are rate limited. When a 429 error is received, the X-Rate-Limit-Reset header will tell you the time at which you can retry. This section discusses methods for handling rate limiting with this SDK.

Built-In Retry

This SDK uses the built-in retry strategy to automatically retry on 429 errors. You can use the default configuration options for the built-in retry strategy, or provide your desired values via client configuration.

You can configure the following options when using the built-in retry strategy:

Configuration Option Description
RequestTimeout The waiting time in seconds for a request to be resolved by the client. Less than or equal to 0 means "no timeout". The default value is 0 (None).
MaxRetries The number of times to retry.

Check out the Configuration Reference section for more details about how to set these values via configuration.

Note: The default retry strategy will be automatically added to the client for 2.x series.

Custom Retry

You can build your own retry strategy by implementing the IRetryStrategy interface and pass it to the OktaClient. You will have to read the X-Rate-Limit-Reset header on the 429 response. This will tell you the time at which you can retry. Because this is an absolute time value, we recommend calculating the wait time by using the Date header on the response, as it is in sync with the API servers, whereas your local clock may not be. We also recommend adding 1 second to ensure that you will be retrying after the window has expired (there may be a sub-second relative time skew between the X-Rate-Limit-Reset and Date headers).

JSON Serialization

This SDK provides a DefaultSerializer which has all the logic needed by this SDK to work properly. While the OktaClient constructor allows a custom ISerializer to be set, we highly recommend using the DefaultSerializer, otherwise it is the developer's responsibility to add all the logic required by this SDK to continue working properly. This change was added to support edge cases with custom attributes, but will be removed in the next major release, where the default behavior will be to treat all the custom attributes as strings or arrays when applicable.

Default Serializer Settings

In 2.x series all date formatted strings attributes are deserialized as strings by default. This was not true in previous versions where date-formatted strings were deserialized as DateTime. The default configuration for date parsing is now DateParseHandling.None.

If you are using an older version of the SDK and you have date-formatted strings among your Okta custom attributes and you don't want them to be parsed to a date type and read them as strings instead, use the following code:

var serializer = new DefaultSerializer(new JsonSerializerSettings()
    DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None,

var client = new Okta.Sdk.OktaClient(new Okta.Sdk.Configuration.OktaClientConfiguration
    OktaDomain = "https://{yourOktaDomain}",
    Token = "{apiToken}"
}, serializer: serializer);

var user = await client.Users.GetUserAsync("[email protected]");
var stringDate = user.Profile["myCustomDate"];

You can still use the GetProperty<T> method to return a DateTimeOffset?:

DateTimeOffset? myCustomDateTimeOffset = user.Profile.GetProperty<DateTimeOffset?>("myCustomDate");

Since the DefaultSerializer is used to parse other DateTime fields across the SDK, such as User.LastLogin, keep in mind that this configuration will also affect how all other date-formatted strings are parsed. For example, if you choose DateParseHandling.DateTime your original timezone could be ignored. For more details check out DateParseHandling.

Configuration reference

This library looks for configuration in the following sources:

  1. An okta.yaml file in a .okta folder in the current user's home directory (~/.okta/okta.yaml or %userprofile%\.okta\okta.yaml)
  2. An appsettings.json file in the application or project's root directory
  3. An okta.yaml file in a .okta folder in the application or project's root directory
  4. Environment variables
  5. Configuration explicitly passed to the constructor (see the example in Getting started)

Higher numbers win. In other words, configuration passed via the constructor will override configuration found in environment variables, which will override configuration in okta.yaml (if any), and so on.

Note that json files cannot be used if they contain JavaScript comments. Comments are not allowed by JSON format.

YAML configuration

When you use an API Token instead of OAuth 2.0 the full YAML configuration looks like:

    connectionTimeout: 30 # seconds
    oktaDomain: "https://{yourOktaDomain}"
      port: null
      host: null
      username: null
      password: null
    token: {apiToken}
    requestTimeout: 0 # seconds
      maxRetries: 4

When you use OAuth 2.0 the full YAML configuration looks like this when using EC key:

    connectionTimeout: 30 # seconds
    oktaDomain: "https://{yourOktaDomain}"
      port: null
      host: null
      username: null
      password: null
    authorizationMode: "PrivateKey"
    clientId: "{yourClientId}"
    - scope1
    - scope2
    PrivateKey: # This SDK supports both RSA and EC keys.
        kty: "EC"
        crv: "P-256"
        x: "{x}"
        y: "{y}"
    requestTimeout: 0 # seconds
      maxRetries: 4

Or like this for RSA key:

    connectionTimeout: 30 # seconds
    oktaDomain: "https://{yourOktaDomain}"
      port: null
      host: null
      username: null
      password: null
    authorizationMode: "PrivateKey"
    clientId: "{yourClientId}"
    - scope1
    - scope2
      "p": "{p}"
      "kty": "RSA"
      "q": "{q}"
      "d": "{d}"
      "e": "{e}"
      "kid": "{kid}"
      "qi": "{qi}"
    requestTimeout: 0 # seconds
      maxRetries: 4

Environment variables

Each one of the configuration values above can be turned into an environment variable name with the _ (underscore) character:

  • and so on

Building the SDK

In most cases, you won't need to build the SDK from source. If you want to build it yourself just clone the repo and compile using Visual Studio.


We're happy to accept contributions and PRs! Please see the contribution guide to understand how to structure a contribution.


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  • C# 97.9%
  • JavaScript 1.4%
  • Other 0.7%