Mbf4j is a Java implementation of Microsoft Bot Framework (https://botframework.com/) This library allows you to create bots for every platform supported by Bot Framework (which are Telegram, Skype, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Kik, Twilio and some more).
This sample code builds a simple echo bot:
Bot bot = new Bot();
.setCredentials("api token is supposed to be here", "api secret is supposed to be fere")
//.setApiRequestFactory(new EmulatorApiRequestFactory("localhost", 65181)) #uncomment this to use bot framework emulator on localhost with port 65181
.on(EventTypes.EVENT_TYPE_INCOMING_MESSAGE, (IncomingMessage activity) -> {
String messageText = activity.text().get();
Address botAddress = activity.recipient();
try {
MessageToSend messageToSend = new MessageToSend(activity.channel(), activity.conversation(), messageText);
} catch (Exception e) {