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Week 11 Announcements

Hey all,
happy new year AGAIN :-) We're super excited to enter the last phase of this semester with you. Next week, as already menioned, we will split Monday and Tuesday similar to last week.
Monday we want you to give you the time and headspace to get ahead with your project. Tuesday is reserved for the last session of the workshop with Johanna. Please be on time to help us to stay on schedule.
We will provide a 20 minute input on giving your projects a shape on Monday afternoon.
As the exhibition and the finals are already on the horizon, we expect some progress and some effort to demonstrate what specifically happened during the last week. Some of you had only loose thoughts to talk about last time. This is understandable given the break and Kollisionswoche. For next week please remember, we can only provide efficient feedback on mockups, etc. Even if you feel stuck, as often emphasized, please make an actual effort to produce something to talk about, the more the better. Please no alibi doodles ;-) Next week, we're timing the consultations to stay within schedule - sorry to all of you who have been affected by the delays. We will make an effort to keep everything a bit more on track.
Have a great end of week and weekend, see you Monday!

Note on attendance

Quite a few of you have reached the maximum number of days you can miss. If unsure, please feel free to inquire.

The project links from Tuesday

Here are the projects we quickly showcased. We deliberately limited them to student projects.
If you want to add some (also non-student projects), feel free to do so via pull request below!

Additional links here:

Talk and wine with Vera Sachetti, Monday 5.15 p.m.

Ineke cordially invites us to join an evening with wine and interesting input by Vera Sachetti. We strongly recommend going!!!

Preliminary Schedule

We will support you individually in the morning if you need technical help or direction.
10 Small announcement on the exhibition + Work
11 Work
12 Work
13 Break
14 Input
1420 Consultations
15 Fachschaftstreffen
16 Consultations
17.15 Talk and wine with Vera Sachetti

There's some uncertainty about the exact time of the Fachschaftstreffen. Anyhow we encourage you to participate!!!

10 Workshop with Johanna
11 Workshop with Johanna
12 Workshop with Johanna
13 Break
14 DAM & Checkout consultations according to demand.
15 DAM & Checkout consultations according to demand.
16 Checkout consultations according to demand.
17 Checkout consultations according to demand.

Week 9 Announcements

Hey all,
upcoming week is going to be about the midterms. These are the ramifications:

  • 5 Minutes per presentation, timed! (exception for a presentation on the history and cultural meanings of ornaments we're super excited about!)
    • about 2/3 on what has been done, 1/3 what's to come
    • Be sure to show your prototypes/sketches/visual to get good feedback.
  • Feedback will be collaborative in the groups from last time, so please pay special attention and make notes to give the best possible feedback!
  • Because on Tuesday there's going to be the second session with Johanna, please make sure to do the reading!
  • Please find the time to clean up the room (decide which one) and arrange in a way that think fits the occasion. Either during the week or on monday before the course.
  • We will start on time, so please be respectful to the early presenters and arrive on time.
  • Make sure that you have a running order in place by Monday.

Preliminary Schedule

10 Midterms
12 Break
13 Collaborative Feedback
14 Exercise (tba) 14:30 Check-outs

10 Class with Johanna
13 Break
14 Good-Bye 2024
15 DAM

Week 8 Announcements

Hey all,
next weeks schedule will be a bit lighter, as there will be no individual critique or feedback sessions.
The coding class with Daniel will continue on Tuesday, with the DAM course following in the afternoon. I will give a short input on the concept of design friction on monday, optionally with a small discussion, depending on how much time you want to spend on it :-).
Otherwise we will give you time for the mid-term presentations the week after. We will be around to help you with specific questions, for example on coding or other technical issues. The update about digital sovereignty will be uploaded in the next days as I'm thinking about maybe setting up some sort of archive for the inputs.

Preliminary Schedule

Monday 10 Input
12 Project Work
13 Lunch
14 Project Work

10 Coding Course II
13 Lunch
14 DAM/Project Work
15 30 Project Work

We again suggest you make good use of your uninterrupted time and stay with us til 5. See you next week, have a great weekend, best,

Lukas and Aeneas

Week 7 Announcements

Hey all,
Thank you so much for the great presentations last week. We were really pleased with the direction and progress wrapping up this first project phase. We also hope you enjoyed the kick-off workshops. If you have any feedback, we will gladly pass it on to Johanna and Daniel. The workshops will go on a hiatus next week, and return the week after with coding, and another week later with the next futuring session with Johanna.

Project input

You will receive feedback to your overall project progress and presentations on monday morning individually.
This will be the last scheduled feedback session until the actual midterms in the last week before the holidays to give you all time to work without distraction and learn to trust your own intution.
We will give more concrete critique than you are used to, so please make time until the presentation to build prototypes and mock-ups accordingly. That being said - we will of course be around to help you with specific questions. :-)

As you have reading assignments from Johanna, we will not add to those, but only do some short input to really give you time with your projects. Attendance is still mandatory. If you need to be somewhere else to build (like the workshop or fablab, etc.) still make sure to check in. We will also see the remaining presentations first thing on monday, so please be on time.

Greetings and Mandatory Reading/Listening by Johanna

Hello everyone, Thanks for the fun first seminar yesterday.
Enclosed you will find the literature for our next seminar on Tuesday, 17 December as well as a link to the Reading Journal and the Readings:

Readings: Inayatullah, S. (2008).
Six pillars: Futures thinking for transforming. Foresight, 10(1), pp. 4-21.
Goode, L. & Godhe, M. (2017). Beyond Capitalist Realism – Why We Need Critical Future Studies. Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov. 2024]. Andreessen, M., 2023. The Techno-Optimist Manifesto. [online] Andreessen Horowitz. Available at: [Accessed 20 November 2024].

Optional Reading: Wyatt, S. (2021). Metaphors in critical Internet and digital media studies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov. 2024].
Grunwald, A. (2012). Was sind Technikzukünfte und warum stehen sie im Plural? In: A. Grunwald, ed., Technikzukünfte und Zukunftsvisionen in der Technikforschung, p. 23-25. München: Verlag C.H. Beck.

Add on: Since I spoke briefly with some of you about the uncertainties of modernity, here is a link to an interesting interview with Andreas Reckwitz:

Preliminary Schedule

Monday 10 Presentations & Project Feedback
12 Project Work
13 Lunch
14 Project Work

10 Input
10 30 Project Work
13 Lunch
14 Input 14 30 Project Work

We suggest you make good use of your uninterrupted time and stay with us til 5. See you next week, have a great weekend, best,

Lukas and Aeneas

Week 6 Announcements

Hey all,
I hope you could recover a bit in this slightly shortened week. I realize it is somewhat a challenge that many of you have quite a tight schedule and assignments from various classes competing for the rare time slots that arent blocked with attendance.

Project input

As some of you expressed some worries on having sufficiently progressed on their projects, I wanted to quickly mention that we think you're doing a great job, and quickly reiterate that we believe you should to get into DOING-MODE ASAP to transition into the next phase of the project in order to uncover some more specific design questions to deal with. For next week, please remember to bring something we can talk about. We have individually talked in this weeks check-outs on potential formats, but really any type of tangible results or drafts are very welcome to provide the basis for getting helpful feedback. If nothing's on the table, it is very difficult to have a good discussion. That being said, we think your concepts are amazing and we're going to have a killer exhibition at the end of the semester!

We also wanted to add a quick reminder to remember the course briefing - how does your project deal with the topic of how technology changes the way we think?
We will conclude the research phase (what do I want to say-phase) next week, so we're doing extended check-outs on tuesday after lunch.
Prepare your current statement and how you want to (for now) plan to express it through a design artifact - bring sketches, mock-ups, doodles, etc..
Also prepare a 90 second presentation to explain what it is you want to say and how you currently plan to say it. Two slides - focus on making it extra clear and compelling.
Collect all presentations on one laptop beforehand.


Mandatory Reading/Listening

As promised, we'll go a bit lighter on the assignments, so you have more time to work on your projects this week, before the coding and futuring classes are starting next week.

One more classic from the XEROX/Parc alumnis:

Preliminary Schedule

Monday 10 Check-Ins (couple minutes each)
11 Project Work
12:15 Reading Club and some input on the next project phase
13 Lunch
14 Future Narratives Workshop with Johanna Wallenborn

10 Coding Workshop
13 Lunch
14 90s presentations
14:45 Check-outs

Mind that we're extending this weeks program to 5 p.m. according to schedule.

See you next week!

Week 5 Announcements

Hey class, thanks for another great week. You are doing great and we're super excited to see how all your amazing ideas are going to develop!

References from class

Referring to the (un)learning lab session on tuesday, here are some of the classics of mid-century media theory that I briefly mentioned. They are of course not mandatory, but I figured, some of you might be interested: The texts and authors were a bit arbitrary. I recommend this binder to get into the topic. There are other binders out there, but I think this one gives you a good entry point.

Mandatory Reading

Thanks for bearing with the more academic and challenging texts from last week. It was great to hear that some of you were able to extract some value from them, even though you are maybe just getting used to these types of literature. For this week, as a treat, the texts are a bit more casual. Please read all of them this time.

Preliminary Schedule for next week

.. I'll update this later today.

A small note on attendance

Attendance has been slowly slipping a bit, leading to a sub-50% attendance last tuesday before lunch. Unfortunately this means we are going to track attendance from next week in order to be able to efficiently schedule and conduct input sessions and 1on1s possible, please refer to the studienordnung for the required quota to receive credits. We will only offer check-out for students who attend before the DAM class.

Coding primer

We will have the first session of the coding classes next week, so please remember to watch the video referenced in class on the basics of coding in case needed, so we can assume some basic understanding of what's happening. Many of you will already know enough of what is taught in the video, but please take a quick look to make sure.

Week 4 Announcements

Hey everybody, all of you came of with great directions for your research and I'm very excited for what you come up with! In the slides folder, find the mandatory reading assignments: Everyone needs to skim all articles, and then select one of them to thoroughly read. I recommend using one of the academic reading techniques referenced in class (also on one of the slides, there is a link). Please coordinate in order to avoid all of you selecting the same article. The task is MANDATORY :-), so even if it seems challenging in the beginning, I assure that you will, long or short term, benefit a lot from being able to incorporate reading articles and papers into your research process.

Reading assignments

Coding primer

We will start with the coding classes in two weeks, so I thought for some of you, who have very few prior experiences with coding, it would be helpful to get accustomed to some of the terminology and get an overview. Here's the video referenced in class on the basics of coding. There's many many videos like this out there, so if this doesn't suit you, please find ones that work better for you and also most importantly share. (you can add them here via pull request).


I will continue adding you as contributors to the repository today..

What's next

For next weeks feedback rounds, please start communication your ideas through sketches, doodles, text, presentations, slides, any format that you think suits your process and project best.

Preliminary Schedule
10 Reading Club
11:30 Check-in and project work
13 Break
14 Input and discussion
15 project work

10 Project work
12 Input
13 Break
14 Input and discussion
15 Check-Out and project work

Week 3 Announcements

Thanks everybody for a great second week. Congratulation on your pull requests! As a follow up, here's your briefing for your next quest: Create a folder and a file in the students folder. Both should have the same name as you :-) Here you will write a small journal that documents your process. Please start with an entry on your current thoughts on your project direction. The more finish before next week, the better I can support you by providing resources and directions! Don't forget to submit the pull request! ;-)

What's next

Take another look at the slides from this week and align your process with the schedule. By next week you should have

  • a direction you want to research. You need to decide yourself how specific or broad you want to start. If helpful, select reference projects.
  • and what you think you need to learn in order to support your project. We will do check-ins for directions and also learning subjects on monday, so we can create some peer learning and feedback structures and I can put together some resources for you. For this, please write a three-line paragraph on your direction

Preliminary Program: Monday
10 Reading club & some input.
12 Topic and learning 1:1 I
13 Lunch
14 Topic discussion and critique continued.
15 - 17 Work on your projects.

10 Meet and weekly input
11 Work on your projects
13 Lunch
14 Direction and learning 1:1 II

Weekly Summaries

First, find a summary of this week here and last week here. You can find the slides in the same folder.

Reading Recommendations

As some of you asked for further reading suggestions, here's a couple: Paul Dourish - Where the action is (Book) HCI classic about the situatedness of actions and the meaning of contextuality in HCI and design.

Lucy Suchman - Human Machine Reconfigurations A seminal HCI reading on situatedness, contextuality, context and brittleness of meaning. Also language driven account on the human ability to create shared meaning through language and action. A harder read than the others.

Don Norman - Design of everyday things Although some of you have already read it, I will also recommend this book on the intersection of design and HCI as an essential reading. It is a lot more approachable than the other two books, and a good introduction to some of the jargon and terminology.


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