A Spring boot application which generates prime numbers. Application exposes rest endpoint which can be used to generate prime numbers.
Supports three prime generation algorithms.
Trial by division
Eratosthenes Sieve
Parallel version of Eratosthenes Sieve
Requires Java 1.8 and maven to build this project
Clone the project to your local directory
Go inside the local directory and execute below command
mvn clean package
This project runs on Spring Boot and uses below frame works
- Spring Boot
- Spring Test
- JUnit
- Mockitto
- Hamcrest
- SLF-4J
After building the project execute the below command
java -jar target/prime-generator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
This should start the spring boot application.
Project presently expose below rest endpoints and generates prime numbers up to Integer.MAX_VALUE (2147483647)
Get all the supported prime generation algorithms
Get all prime number upto 'n' using TRIAL_DIVISION algorithm
Get all prime number upto 'n' using ERATOSTHENES_SIEVE_SEQUENTIAL algorithm
Get all prime number upto 'n' using ERATOSTHENES_SIEVE_PARALLEL algorithm