#Description A peer to peer application that can transfer torrent files between peers.
#Files required peerProcess.java Common.cfg PeerInfo.cfg thefile
#How to run: We ran the program servers mentioned in the configuration files. Below are the steps for the same:
- Ensure that all the required files are available and that you are in the current directory.
- Ensure that "thefile" is present in the folders as required by the PeerInfo.cfg.
- Compile the program with:
- javac peerProcess.java
- Start each peer in ascending order in the server mentioned in PeerInfo.cfg using the command:
- java peerProcess 1001 where 1001 is the peer id. The program terminates after all the peers have completed downloading the file fully.
#What is working? All the functionalities as mentioned in the project description are working as expected. The following functionality as mentioned in the project description are working:
Start peer process
- Peer reads the Common.cfg and the PeerInfo.cfg and correctly sets the variables and the bitfields.
- Peer connects to all other neighbors that started before it and waits for subsequent peers to connect.
- Peer starts exchaging pieces once it is connected to atleast one other peer.
After connection
- Handshake is exchanged between the peers.
- The peer sends its bitfield messages only if it has the file.
- Peer sends the interested or uninterested message.
- Peers send the choke and unchoke messages every 5 seconds after changing its preferred neighbors.
- The optimistically unchoked messsage is updated every 10 seconds.
File Exchange
- Sends the request, have, not interested, interested, piece and on reception of the have messages and updates the related bitfield.
The program terminates after all the peers have completed downloading the file fully.