Coop Multiplayer Third-person Shooter Game in Unreal Engine 4.
Built the Multiplayer COOP game in Unreal Engine with C++. Most of the multiplayer features, such as replication, authority transfer, RPC calls, were implemented in C++ using UE’s in-built networking system. It supports features such as weapon, Ai tracker ball that tracks the player and explodes, power-up systems for health regeneration and speed, spawning Ai enemy, and health indicator.
- GameEngine: Unreal Engine 4.27
- Tech Stack: C++, Blueprints
- Multiplayer techniques: RPC calls, authority transfer, object replication
- Features: weapon, Ai tracker ball, power-ups, health indicator
You can check the following youtube video below in which a player shoots the enemy tracker balls, collects the power-ups, kills the other player, and finally get killed by the explosion of tracker balls.