This is a NodeJS/Express-based FAQ management system with multilingual support and Redis caching for improved performance.
Multilingual Support (English, Hindi, Bengali)
REST API with Caching (Redis for caching)
Dockerized (Easily run using Docker)
Unit Testing & Linting (chai/mocha, ESlint)
βββ Backend/
β βββ config/
β β βββ mongoDB.js # MongoDB connection
β β βββ redis.js # Redis connection
β βββ controllers/
β β βββ createFaq.js # FAQ CRUD operations
β β βββ deleteFaq.js
β β βββ getFaq.js
β β βββ getOneFaq.js
β βββ models/
β β βββ faq.js # FAQ MongoDB model
β βββ routes/
β β βββ faqRouter.js # API routes
β βββ middleware/
β β βββ getId.js # Middleware to get FAQ by Id
β βββ services/
β β βββ translate.js # Translation of question and answer
β βββ app.js # Express app setup
β βββ tests/
β β βββ faq.test.js # Unit tests
β βββ .env # Environment variables
β βββ Dockerfile
β βββ eslint.config.mjs
β βββ package-lock.json
β βββ package.json
βββ .gitignore
βββ .dockerignore
βββ docker-compose.yml
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Docker
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
git clone
cd FAQ_Manager
npm install
If you are not using Docker, you would need to start Redis-server and MongoDB-server in your machine
- Redis
# To start redis-server in mac/ Linux
# For Windows users need to install WSL and install redis, and then run the above command
- MongoDB MongoDB is run as a service in Windows and doesn't need to be stated/stopped manually For linux (eg arch)
systemctl start mongodb.service
npm run dev # To run using nodemon
node app.js # To run simply
If you prefer to use Docker, run:
docker-compose up
in FAQ_Manager folder
Access the application at http://localhost:3000
# Get FAQs in English (default)
GET /api/faqs/
# Get FAQs in Hindi
GET /api/faqs/?lang=hi
# Get FAQs in Bengali
GET /api/faqs/?lang=bn
# Get FAQ in English (default)
GET /api/faqs/:id
# Get FAQs in Hindi
GET /api/faqs/:id?lang=hi
# Get FAQs in Bengali
GET /api/faqs/:id?lang=bn
POST /api/faqs/
Content-Type: application/json
"question": "What is your name?",
"answer": "John"
DELETE /api/faqs/:id
To run unit tests for the application, use:
npm test
To run ESlint, use:
npm run lint
To contribute please follow these steps:
Fork the repository and clone it locally.
Create a new branch for your feature:
git checkout -b new-feature
Commit your changes with meaningful messages:
git commit -m "feat: Add support for German translations"
Run tests before pushing:
npm test
Push your branch and create a Pull Request:
git push origin new-feature